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Books / Object-Oriented Ontology
A New Theory of Everything, Graham Harman.

0. Introduction 1
1. A New Theory of Everything 19
1. Why Science Cannot Provide a Theory of Everything 25
2. Again Physicalism, Smallism, Anti-Fictionalism and Literalism 38
3. Undermining in the History of Philosophy 41
4. Overmining in the History of Philosophy 47
5. Objects and Events 52
6. Flat Ontology 54
2. Aesthetics is the Root of All Philosophy 59
1. Metaphor 66
2. What Ortega's Essay Teaches Us 74
3. The Theatricality of Metaphor 81
4. Five Features of Metaphor 86
5. Formalism in Aesthetics 89
6. Formalism in Kant and Beyond 94
3. Society and Politics 103
1. Society 108
2. The American Civil War 114
3. Politics 134
4. The Two Major Features of Modern Political Theory 143
4. Indirect Relations 147
1. The Tensions in Objects 150
2. The Fracture in Things 157
3. Causation 162
4. Knowledge 167
5. Meno 171
6. Other Views on Justified True Belief 178
7. Justified Untrue Belief 181
8. Knowledge Without Truth
5. Object-Oriented Ontology and its Rivals 195
1. Jacques Derrida 198
2. Michel Foucault 209
6. Varying Approaches to Object-Oriented Ontology 219
The Core Group with Graham Harman:
1. Ian Bogost 222
2. Levi R. Bryant 227
3. Timothy Morton 231
4. Jane Bennett 240
5. Tristan Garcia 243
6. Architecture 246
7. Object-Oriented Ontology in Overview 253

Object-oriented Ontology/Introduction


As a rule Donald Trump does not lie or lie about what he said. He qualifies it in terms of what he meant to counter the strawman and other fallacies, self-deceptions and pharmakon the junkie, zombie and crazie mainstream media and its prostrate cronies use to malign him at any cost — and specifically everything he supports that has made America great.

The attack on Trump's followers as representing a world that has no respect for truth is pathological psychological projection. The post-modern corruption of the Western World by undermining every definition of its narrative reality is the erosion of truth and the farcical introduction of alternative facts.

Any measure by which Trump did the same from 2016 on, was in relatively limited response to the liberal assault on every institution that constitutes this country. The only shock to the progressivist soul was that Trump surprised them with their own tactics of farcical superiority. The shock to the mendacious postmodern system is that he got elected in spite of the Democrat-machinery already in place to habitually steal elections. But the worst was yet to come.

With the release and rerelease of Covid-19 and the massive flipping of votes in the 2020 US Presidential election, a truly criminal Mafia-like globalist organization took hold of things at the end of 2018 and at this time (Jan 21, 2022) has not relented.

The Oxford English Dictionary is 1984 Newspeak-postmodern farce-is-holy truth merchants for calling what has for decades or traditionally constituted truth, "post-truth."


The leftist assault on America and Western Civilization in general since the founding of this nation, has been a hammering with floods of emotional and personal belief propaganda, rather than valid logic and good scientific procedures for the establishment of some objectivity.

More than four years of massive propagandistic assault on President Trump in the mainstream news media has taken it next-tier. It is an attack on humanity, because the same is happening worldwide with Covid-19 and more. Intimidation, and fear of the unprecedented criminal power that it is, has enabled the steal of the 2020 election. It is the ongoing destruction of American Republicanism, Democracy and Humanity.

That brings us to the left's new definition of 'objective facts'. They are no longer alternative facts as has been the holy-farcical bent of post-modern truth, as if it is an obnoxious teenager adult wannabe. The child is grown up. It is now a criminal adult.

Such facts are now to be ever more brutal terroristic mendacity in its designation of ever-new whimsically fashionable or useful sloganeering as knowledge and science. Such new truth-objectivity abhors the idea that knowledge and science are based on words established long-term... especially science. If it's no good as a totalitarian rhetorical soundbite breaking down the institutions even more, it's not 'useful', so it's not science.

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Page last modified on January 21, 2022, at 10:53 AM