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Roderick T. Long
Books / Wittgenstein, Austrian Economics and the Logic of Action — Praxeological Investigations (WiggyDraft) / WiggyDraft-Point-i?

The Austrian School
Frege, Wittgenstein, Mises, Hayek, Rothbard and Hoppe.


1 Introduction: A Tale of Two Ludwigs 2
2 From Mises to Frege: The Spectre of Psychologism 7
3 From Frege to Wittgenstein: Buy Narrow, Sell Wide 20
4 From Wittgenstein to Mises and Hayek: The Critique of Economic Reason 30
5 Act and Interpretation 40
6 From Wood-sellers to Bed-sellers 52
7 The Word Made Flesh 67
8 The Truth Is Out There 87
9 De-psychologizing the De-psychologizers 114
10 Beyond Subjectivism: Socrates’ Praxeological Project 135

Wittgenstein, Austrian Economics and the Logic of Action
Praxeological Investigations

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Page last modified on January 17, 2024, at 12:15 PM