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Origins of the Sacred, the Ecstasies of Love and War

— Dudley Young

The brave new world of suffering is not progress

Like the Book: The Master and his Emissary – Iain McGilchrist

As the title implies, the objective of the McGilchrist book is to warn that the rational mind’s control of the intuitive mind is psychological piracy, and is the corruption of society.

It is wrong.

The idea that anyone or anything at all has even the slightest control or not, is the error. The very idea, force, power and control is the error.

The idea that intuition can be empowered, or that true power lies in the right hemisphere is an error many orders worse than the error that reason in the left hemisphere is where the power ought to be.

Origins of the Sacred has the same theme of false liberation from authoritarianism as The Master and his Emissary, as do many other supposedly enlightened or ‘woke’ minds. The book only illustrates, as it reflects the tortured psyche of its author, that the brave new world of suffering is not progress, but word-metastatic regression.

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Page last modified on April 14, 2020, at 12:53 PM