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PropertyProperty is Propertarianism without the errors
Word (man) is formal, normal and natural property casuistry.Propertarianism without the fundamentalism is the answer. That is, property is the point, namely that one does not own property, but that property is what one is. If B is A, A is archetype — like point?, form?, motion, field?, property, word and man. Archetype is time. The idea that things exist is the fundamentalism beyond whatever existence one is (word meaning and property), and is the mayhem. It is the mayhem that humans and their language are the demons (dark shadows) that the unparalleled golden shadow beings eliminate. The golden are those developmentally transcendent of "their" humanity, resident in the golden spires in the shires beyond meaning. It is therefore the error (that is the mayhem) that according to the priests of such holy farce, (serious) casuistry is exactly not the answer and is the meaningless sophistry-of-sophists responsible for the mayhem.