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Dialogos: What is the best way to be a man today?

2:53 - 12:00 Cadell Last.
The man is suffering the void of the loss of traditional patriarchical ethics of moral order. What unifies ethical problem is pain.



12:00 - 16:50 Nina Power.
Critizing the mainstream media as a feminist cancel culture targeting the man as such, claiming that men are bad and should suffer for it.

16:50 - 24:55 Ole Bjerg.
Distinction: being a man vs being a human being. To be a man is to live a life that is a good story. And to a man is the drive to be a new story, not to follow the group and its established pattern. Men work together each in a different way, and fail well, to make a good story.

24:55 - 30:15 Jack Donovan.
A man can easily be drawn into a graphic novel superhero. Being a good man or a good person is culture, being good at being a man is very old. (Vs. a woman). Encounter with death, overcoming fear assuming risk. Courage is masculine. The necessary balance is with creating beauty and structure [for self, family and wider culture, i.e. being a good man].

30:15 - 32:50 Nina Power
The question or common thread of this discussion is the difference between the autonomous individual man in relation to the world (separation) and the mixed culture. What is the best way to be a man to women?

32:50 - 35:08 Ole Bjerg
The shadow-side of the woman... Reaction to Corona, financial crisis. A feminine totalitarianism to take care of you regardless the consequences, "everything's gonna be okay: just do what I say." Men are made into perpetual children virtually remaining in the womb.

35:08 - 37:53 Jack Donovan
Agrees [the social revolution] is a feminine nurturing totalitarianism. You can never be born, initiated, or become good at being a man. Nina asked, "what is it to be a good man to women?" A man is a good man to the woman who she can respect for setting boundaries for her to exercise control.

38:40 - 41:30 Ole Bjerg
Everything is the deliberately the opposite meaning [like the novel 1984 term: Newspeak]. 70's Feminism was not about being feminine, but about being like a man. Child birth is a miracle. No man can do anything even close to it. So men SHOULD support women in it and women welcome it.

41:30 - 43:10 Nina Power
Yes, the man/woman distinction is being scripted out, and that men need separate time with men and women with women.

44:10 - 47:45 Cadell Last
The answer to the epidemic of permanent mothering or nurturing has nothing to do with how man treats woman, but is man-circling, that is, a brotherhood of men, personal accountability long term. Hegelian position that death is more primary than narrative. Death is unaccountable, no recounting possible when you're dead. The future is fantasy. Kant-like living is repetitive, like an algorithm, not doing anything new, i.e., "going into death itself." Break away from the feminization. Impossible for we live in a culture that pretends sexual difference doesn't exist. What is needed is male (with penises) and female (with vaginas) spirits and spirituality.

To Nina, does she know what is the female equivalent to the man-circle or do women more spontaneously circle?

The primordial feminine dream time? 47:45 - Nina Power
Lara. Difficult to talk about sexual differences. It's a crisis of meaning, metaphysics and our collective life together. If say nine women are together in a place it becomes very intuitive, even witchy. The question is what it means to be witchy, that is, if no children are present. Difficult to describe. It is a different very meaningful way of thinking as a break for rejuvenation from and as a different relating to the mixed and complicated world.

As for feminine totalitarianism, it's real but her feminist side says men are making the decisions.

Men subject to feminine totalitarianism are formal and informal zombie psychologism as zombism, philosophy and other social sciences as junkies and psychopath-order disorderly mindfulness internists... "in" the non-word holy nonsense "existence" 50:45 Ole Bjerg
But, they're not men. They're human beings, mere functionary robotic presence for [the chaos] feminism and what it [the revolution] is part of, not men, mere persons. Like Dr. Fauci and Matt Hancock.

We're governed by psychologistic cybernetic intersubjective ocean. 51:07 - 52:26 Nina Power
"They're unsexed," let's say. We're governed by unsexed, desexed eunuchs.

Feminist totalitarianism: excessive care and elimination of death are the care that kills. Powerful relation to death too, the womanly way.

It is far simpler than is necessary for the persistence of the bullshit, namely what is supposedly "in the world (as if beyond mere meaning): existence." 52:26 - 54:30 Cadell Last
Personal perspective, not sucked into generalization of the complex world [:where women go in deep]sic. A woman's relation to death is much about the act of pregnancy and birth and the separation from the child, own identity (person) as the child matures. Such clinging care with no pain is bad politics. Masturbation little death the man equivalent.

Subversion of the West at any cost, not as conspiracy, but even the long march through the institutions is no conspiracy, but subversive stories in terms of scapegoating the abysmal complications of the infinite stupidity of deconstructing and reconstructing contextual "ontological" complexity. 54:30 55:15 - Nina Power
Yes, retention of semen... old mythology, Chinese alchemy. These ideas associated with the right/and being a fascist, a nazi. Politics. Smearing. What is the function of that?

Opportunists, yes psychopaths, and their subjects, not only women, but also the variety of other historically excluded groups and technocrat (CEO's down) pseudo-autistic savants. No free will or even volition but zombie, junkie and guru mafia triad or cadre terrorism as if heroic mythology. 55:15 -57:40 Jack Donovan
They're not making decisions as men, but as opportunists for manipulating women and thereby society. Tell them what they want to hear. Money making racket. Women do the work to make social organization happen.

57:40 - 1:00:50 Ole Bjerg
Key difference in how men and women relate to death. Hannah Arendt has a better grip on the human urge for everlasting life than Heidegger. Men create heroic stories where women live on in their children.

1:00:50 - 1:03:00 Cadell Last
There's a mindspace illusion of immortality that has to be broken. The solution is that sex (mortal) bodies are primary for humans. Painfully honest conversation necessary based on what you need not what you want. [Postmodern] Hedonism is the infantilization of everyone. The pleasure principle precludes being brave enough to be with family members dying, i.e. in death.

not as infantile humans-immortal hedonists but first as sexually, mortally separate beings. Monstrous: not just abysmal as the fantasy, but the abyss. 1:03:00 Nina Power Reality. Embrace the absurdity, the pain of existence together. Transhumanism, disconnected from the body. This isn't happening and if it happens it's going to be monstrous.

1:04:00 -1:04:25 Cadell Last
Ray Kurzweil's transhumanist fantasy is to be a woman.

1:04:25 - 1:04:30 Nina Power
Fantasy definition. Only someone who's never had the experience would want to be that.

1:04:30 - 1:05:00 Peter Limberg
Stoicism. What is virtue in relation to the discussion?

1:05:00 - 1:09:00 Jack Donovan
Virtue etymologically male. Hierarchical. Common ground. [clear definition of The Commons]] As opposed to an ever opportunistic politically and socially shifting reality. No set point of perspective. Just go with the flow.

Figuring out why and how beyond what something is, namely as meaning or that everything is word. The questions why and how are word as if beyond word. 1:09:00 - 1:10:52 Cadell Last Freud: libido is masculine, like virtue. So how you use your libidinal energy throughout your lifetime is the mark of how virtuous you are. Nietzschean overman... To understand what being virtuous is, you have to try the opposite (everything once) to your core particularly evil. The figuring out why and how it's valuable to know how to be virtuous.

1:10:52 Jack Donovan
Story and legacy.

Child birth and child raising or not certainly are very relevant as physiological difference and the related hormones in concert with ontology (existence-mythology). 1:11:54 =1:12:45 Lara Catone
What are the effects that the unique physiological rhythms especially of women, are socially suppressed?

1:12:45 - 1:14:30 Ole Bjerg
Maybe there's a fundamental ontological difference. The story of being in the world as man and woman are very different.

1:14:30 -1:16:40 Nina Power
It's a very serious question for a woman that is being minimized, demonized by its denial. It's a serious cognitive dissonance [especially for women]. Psychological dissociation (from one's own body and story), taking on mere functionary roles like a robotic drone. A serious philosophical ontological question is if women and men experience time differently. Linear and cyclical temporality. Sex is a deeper issue for women with nature, for instance in their personal experience synchronized with lunar cycles.

1:16:40 - 1:18:00 Cadell Last]] Ovular cycle : cyclical time. Erection : linear time, of pointing towards the goal. A Kant or even a Heidegger does not develop a properly sexual metaphysics. Therefore Lacan is important to the philosophy of metaphysics.

1:18:00 - 1:19:30 Jack Donovan
Men die for order, or they go crazy. History is important. But something that happened many years ago is important to a woman as if it is now.

1:19:55 - 1:20:35 Arran Rogerson
Question. Does it make sense that man's energy is expanding into the world, going out into the world, and woman's view is contracting, the world coming toward her. And is part of man's struggle that the [male] frontier has receded over time while woman's inner circle has largely retained its form or even expanded? Is there a solution to this?

Scientific and mathematical empiricism instead of experience. Abstract space. Is it as pleasantly dangerous for man as ontological space? Is it therefore political, dangerously pushing the boundaries, while woman as she does, dangerously, chaotically objects, but more so, since man is now threatening her on her own ground? Is the inner world a dominantly feminine world? Is man's effort to expand that way the collapse of everything? 1:20:35 1:21:55 Cadell Last
For many years space exploration has been a goal for men, but now it seems that humans unlike robots are constrained by their physical body from going into space, and another space opens up instead, which is inner space. Going into inner space requires the death of one's current identity of exploring outer space. Is deeper risk and adventure possible?

Nothing is private, as the oikos ought to be. The oikos becoming everything is the new polis of the inner space. The cancer that the idea of existence (as if beyond word) the outer space was, the polis is like metastasis, expanding like invasion and as the inner content of one's character, one's life, the far-reaching fields, the true gravity, the oikos becoming psychologistic, or mafia-like psychopath. 1:21:55 -1:23:50 Nina Power
For the Greeks the distinction between the household and economy (the oikos) of the woman and the political-philosophical discussion by men of what to do about it (the polis) is merging as the marketplace into the whole world becoming the oikos. The household is now the model for the world. The separation of private and public spaces. [Yet everything is public?]. Keeping you safe, elimination of death. Elimination of risk. Emile Paglio is fascinating on what it means to be an adult, woman in man's world.

1:23:50 - 1:25:40 Ole Bjerg
"Good luck Mr. Watson." If Dr. Fauci got oral sex maybe we'd not be forced to take the vaccine [have our DNA explored and altered by nanobots]. "Just throwing it OUT there."

1:25:40 - 1:28:30 Jack Donovan
"We should get that man laid."

Is the disappearance of frontiers to dangerously overcome the reason men are creating chaos like burning cities, destroying established order? And transhumanism. Going into the [mind of the] machine, the new frontier.

1:28:30 Cadell Last
Transhumanists are openly anti-human, anti-men, hating those who are for that, and themselves.

1:29:00 Peter Limberg
Let's end there with summaries from participants.

1:29:25 Nina Power
Questions. Risk. Choosing to have a child. Death and men and women oriented differently in terms of those questions.

1:30:20 - 1:31:47 Cadell Last
Collapse between ethics and the moral order. Christianity has been the solution for a long time, and there is no alternative yet. What would it mean to the progressive left to have theory of sexual difference in terms of masculinity and a place for that? What does it mean that there was so much moral anger [bigoted stereotyping] as a conservative masculine person against Jordan Peterson for asking those questions? Is the symptom of the left that it has no place for real men? A theory of sexual difference is necessary.

1:31:47 - 1:33:30 Ole Bjerg
Positive. Many men and women are rediscovering sexual being. And maybe even Fauci will get his blowjob.

1:33:30 - Jack Donovan
Interesting political reversal of left as the new right and vice versa of discussion like about covid.

Question no longer Lacanian, now Jungian. Yet someone said that Jung is a huge mistake.

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Page last modified on April 17, 2021, at 11:19 AM