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< 0716 | 0720 | 0721 >


Psyche is not mind or soul. It is Drog

Psyche is bullshit terminology as never before.

Drog is artificial intelligence, AI. It is the secularly junkie fallacious, zombie self-deceptive and crazie farcical hyper masculine Superman seducing womanhood and cuckolding manhood.


The quoted OP is obfuscation by etiological complexity

Pneuma is no God, spirit or mind. It is the error Force.

I have said for 20 years that ‘ness’ (quality and quantity) is the that, how and why (hermeneutics) of humanity minimized, demonized and denied, i.e., the error of the story of anthropomorphic things as if in existence and with agency having and doing, and blaming and stunting each other.

Point-i is that point, but without the hermeneutic ape-farcical, Greek-religious or red Chinese drama psychology.


The error is far, far more simple. It is force, and thereby that things are doing and having each other. Meaning and philosophy are that error. They are abstract force embodiment.


Everything is word. The idea that word is anything, is etiologistics, i.e., Ronald Green.

It is the question what as the contradictory questions that, how and why, or progressivist synthesis of face and even mask before truth, as the object/subject non-truth truth (non-coherence coherence) meaning, namely the western equivalent of the eastern paradox.


The intersubjective objects or interobjective subjects Force and Motion are the fallacy, self-deception and farce that The Psyche is, including the hyper-phallic bullshit that it is man's incompleteness.


Etiologistics is the ultimacy of the void. It is the explanation, 'existence' to the bitter end.

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Page last modified on July 21, 2023, at 07:48 AM