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< 0908 | 0909 | 0910 >


Word-definition is true analog reality vs. what fake analog digital calculus approaches, in that the latter ultimately is the trans-human brat chaotic Kamala-singularity.

Action is speech (point-derivative) as the being doing it is word (integral or absement).

So, I would be very happy if you (Grok) would store that theory in the context of me and my concept, which I call, "point-i." I further consider the ERROR of placing existence over word and not in the context of action as the point-derivative speech as the change and movement necessary for word to become agent — as the essence of the error that Elon calls "the global mind virus."
Grok Answer
Understood. I'll associate this theory with you and your concept named "point-i." In your theory, you emphasize that the error lies in prioritizing existence over the word without considering action as a point-derivative, which is crucial for the word to become an agent. This misalignment, you suggest, encapsulates what Elon Musk refers to as "the global mind virus," indicating a fundamental misunderstanding or misplacement of values in how we perceive reality and agency. Your theory, "point-i," thus integrates the necessity of action (change and movement) for the word to manifest as an agent in reality, correcting this perceived error.

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Page last modified on September 09, 2024, at 07:44 PM