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Books / The Art and Science of Logic (ASL) / ASL-Point-i
Daniel Bonevac

0 Preface? vii
Organization and New Features viii
Traditional areas of Logic
Part I — Reasoning and language
1 Truth and validity 2
    1.1 Arguments? 3
    1.2 Recognizing arguments 6
    1.3 Good arguments 17
    1.4 Reliability 20
    1.5 Implication and equivalence 24
    1.6 Logical properties of sentences 29
        1.6.1 Contingent sentences 29
        1.6.2 Tautological sentences 29
        1.6.3 Contradictory sentences 30
        1.6.4 Satisfiable sentences 30
2 Evidence and relevance 37
        2.0.1 Evidence violation
        2.0.2 Relevance violation
    2.1 Begging the question 38
    2.2 Complex questions 43
    2.3 Relevance—refutations 46
        2.3.1 Abusive Ad Hominem 47
        2.3.2 Circumstantial Ad Hominem 48
        2.3.3 Tu Quoque 50
    2.4 Relevance—confusing the issue 56
        2.4.1 Red Herrings 57
        2.4.2 Straw Man 58
3 Grounding? 62
    3.1 Appeals to emotion 64
        3.1.1 Appeal to the People (or Gallery) 65
    3.2 Practical Fallacies 69
        3.2.1 Appeal to Common Practice 70
    3.3 Superficiality 78
        3.3.1 Appeal to Ignorance 78
        3.1.2 Appeal to Authority 79
        3.1.3 Incomplete Enumeration 82
        3.1.4 Accident 83
4 Meaning 90
    4.1 Equivocation 90
    4.2 Amphiboly 93
    4.3 Accent 99
    4.4 Composition and division 101
    4.5 Traditional criteria for definitions
Part II Sentential Logic
5 Sentences 114
    5.1 Sentence connectives 114
    5.2 A sentential language 117
    5.3 Truth functions 121
    5.4 Symbolization 125
6 Truth tables 139
    6.1 Truth table for formulas 139
    6.2 Other uses of truth tables 145
7 Semantic tableaux 155
    7.1 Rules for Negation, Conjunction and Disjunction 161
        7.1.1 Negation 161
        7.1.2 Conjunction 162
        7.1.3 Disjunction 163
        7.1.4 Policies 164
    7.2 Rules for the conditional and biconditional 167
        7.2.1 →L (Conditional Left) 167
        7.2.2 →R (Conditional Right) 168
        7.2.3 ↔L (Biconditional Left) 168
        7.2.4 ↔R (Biconditional Right) 168
    7.3 Decision procedures 172
        7.3.1 Test for argument form validity (and implication) 173
        7.3.2 Test for equivalence 175
        7.3.3 Test for logical truth 176
        7.3.4 Test for contradiction or satisfiability 176
8 Deduction 186
    8.1 Proofs 186
        8.1.1 Rules of inference 187
        8.1.2 Proof format 187
   Proof lines 187
   Proof 188
   Assumption 188
    8.2 Conjunction and negation rules 188
        8.2.1 Conjunction 188
   Simplification (S) 189
   Conjunction (C) 190
   Consequent Conjunction (CC) 191
        8.2.2 Negation 191
   Double negation (DN) 192
        8.2.3 Replacement 192
    8.3 Conditional and biconditional rules 193
        8.3.1 The conditional 193
   Modus ponens (MP) 194
   Self-implication (SI) 194
        8.3.2 The biconditional 195
   Biconditional (B) 195
    8.4 Disjunction rules 197
   Addition (Ad) 197
   Constructive dilemma (CD) 198
   Material conditional
   Commutativity of Disjunction (Cm) 199
   Associativity of Disjunction (As) 199
    8.5 Rules of Definition 201
        8.5.1 De Morgan’s Laws 201
   De Morgan’s Law #1 (DM) 202
   De Morgan’s Law #2 (DM) 202
        8.5.2 Rules applying only to entire formulas 203
   Assumption 203
   Simplification (S) 203
   Conjunction (C) 203
   Consequent conjunction (CC) 203
   Modus ponens (MP) 204
   Self-implication (SI) 204
   Addition (Ad) 204
   Constructive dilemma (CD) 204
        8.5.3 Invertible Rules
   Double negation (DN) 204
   Biconditional (B) 204
   Commutativity of disjunction (Cm) 205
   Associativity of disjunction 205
   De Morgan’s Law # 1 (DM) 205
   De Morgan’s Law # 2 (DM) 205
   Material conditional (MC) 205
    8.6 Derived rules 208
        8.6.1 Negations of complex formulas 208
   Negated conditional (NC) 209
   Negated biconditional (NB) 209
        8.6.2 Order and grouping
   Commutativity of conjunction (Cm) 210
   Associativity of conjunction (As) 210
   Idempotence (I) 211
        8.6.3 Abbreviations 211
   Modus tollens (MT) 211
   Hypothetical syllogisms (HS) 213
   Transposition (Tr) 213
   Biconditional exploitation (BE) 214
   Disjunctive syllogism (DS) 215
   Distribution (D) 215
   Weakening (W) 216
   Contradiction (!) 216
        8.6.4 Rules applying only to entire formulas
   Modus Tollens (MT) 216
   Hypothetical Syllogism (HS) 217
   Biconditional Exploitation (BE) 217
   Disjunctive Syllogism 217
   Weakening (W) 217
   Contradiction (!) 217
        8.6.5 Invertible Rules 218
   Negated Conditional (NC) 218
   Negated Biconditional (NB) 218
   Commutativity of Conjunction (Cm) 218
   Associativity of Conjunction 218
   Indempotence (I) 218
   Transposition (Tr) 218
   Distribution (D) 219
8.6.6 Strategy 219
    8.7 Indirect proof 225
   Indirect Proof (Hypothetical) 226
   Indirect Proof (Categorical)
Part III Predicate Logic
9 Syllogisms 230
    9.0 Categorical Syllogism 231
    9.1 Categorical sentences 236
    9.2 Diagramming categorical sentence forms 242
    9.3 Immediate inference 253
    9.4 Syllogisms 263
    9.5 Rules for validity 276
    9.6 Expanding the Aristotelian language 276
10 Quantifiers 289
    10.1 Constants and quantifiers 290
    10.2 Categorical sentence forms 294
    10.3 Polyadic predicates 298
    10.4 The language QL 303
11 Symbolization 311
    11.1 Noun phrases 311
    11.2 Verb phrases 322
    11.3 Definitions 331
12 Quantified tableaux 340
    12.1 Quantifier tableaux rules 340
12.2 Strategies 344
13 Quantified deduction 358
    13.1 Deduction rules for quantifiers 358
    13.2 Universal generalization 366
    13.3 Formulas with overlapping quantifiers 372
    13.4 Quantifiers and connectives
Part IV Inductive Reasoning
14 Generalizations 394
    14.1 Inductive reliability 395
    14.2 Enumeration 398
    14.3 Evaluating enumerations 400
    14.4 Statistical generalizations 403
    14.5 Analogies 412
15 Causes 425
    15.1 Kinds of causes 425
    15.2 Agreement and difference 431
    15.3 Residues and concomitant variation 440
    15.4 Causal fallacies 447
16 Explanations 450
    16.1 Explanations and hypothetical reasoning 450
    16.2 Scientific theories 458
    16.3 Evaluating explanations
A: Sentential Logic 472
    A.1 Proofs 472
    A.2 Conjunction and Negation Rules 475
    A.3 Conditional and Biconditional Rules 481
    A.4 Disjunction Rules 484
    A.5 Derived Rules 486
B: Adding Quantifiers 501
    B.1 Deduction Rules for Quantifiers 501
    B.2 Universal Generalization 506
    B.3 Formulas with Overlapping Quantifiers 508
    B.4 Derived Rules for Quantifiers 512
A: Sentential Logic 518
    A.1 Proofs 518
    A.2 Conjunction and Negation Rules 522
    A.3 Conditional and Biconditional Rules 529
    A.4 Disjunction Rules 533
    A.5 Derived Rules 535
B: Adding Quantifiers 551
    B.1 Deduction Rules for Quantifiers 551
    B.2 Universal Proof 556
    B.3 Derived Rules for Quantifiers 557
Bibliography 563
Answers to Selected Problems 565
Index 699

Truth and Validity

Normal and natural truth and validity, and reasoning and logic are based on the absolute self-contradiction and error, and bad logic, "existence."

The error existence includes non-existence universally in every authoritarian regime of fear-mongering at every level.

Longer commentary or quote
p. Book Statements 1st Comment
2 Correct (good) reasoning requires logic. Force by pneuma (spirit, soul or psyche — outside or inside — is the error that is the mayhem). The error is mind and action, i.e., reasoning.
The error is word as the idea that everything is not word, but even as all concepts are in terms of words, that some nonword explains word, which is the fundamental contradiction that all fundamentalist bigotry is, which ASL and society at large validate as only bad [human] argument.
2 There were seriously flawed arguments that led to the horrific wars of the 20th century. All atrocity is the runaway escalation of reciprocating human scapegoating in terms of the other, and the farcical paradox that realizing subjectivity in oneself is objective. Therefore a good sense of humor on the basis of the holiness of farce.
The other includes the self: as both subject and object.

The nonword supposedly to explain word is "existence." Existence is the error by which existential and universal human scapegoating are the foundational logic of all argument.

The point is not existence and the subject-agent, and what constitutes existence and action on the basis on the quality of its reasoning (language), but logic itself, which is word.

2 Logic is the study of good reasoning. Normal (bad) logic is the question, "what is good reasoning?"
Good logic is that everything is word. Logic is bad in any form of the idea that "existence" explains word, or that word is not what everything is, but must be explained further than that everything (also word) is word.
2 "Reasoning well is more than an academic exercise.

"Gathering information, making decisions, and carrying out plans all require reasoning.

"Good reasoning tends to lead to accurate information, good decisions, and appropriate plans, whereas bad reasoning tends to lead to inaccuracies, bad decisions, and misguided plans."

The last paragraph above is problematic. The question is what the equivalents are of information, decisions and plans if everything is word and the idea of action (doing or having) is error.

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