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Title   —expanded contents pp for critical reading— Authors
Existence as word-referent is the error & pharmaCON of homo sapiens as homunculi—spirit, soul & psyche
Wittgenstein, Austrian Economics, and the Logic of Action—Praxeological Investigations—WiggyDraft Roderick T. Long
The Art and Science of Logic
(Psychology: Junkie Fallacies Scapegoating)
Daniel Bonevac
Hide & Seek, the Psychology of Self-deception
(The Psyche: Zombie Self-deceptions Scapegoating)
Neel Burton
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DSM-5 — 5th Edition
(Psychiatry: Crazy Mental Disorders Scapegoating)
American Psychiatric Association

Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling Pope et al.
A History of Religious Ideas Mircea Eliade

    1. From the Stone Age to the Eleusian Mysteries

    2. From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity

    3. From Muhammad to the Age of Reforms

Origins of the Sacred — The Ecstasies of Love and War Dudley Young
Spiral Dynamics Beck & Cowan
Einstein's Intuition Thad Roberts
A Perfect Universe Thad Roberts
Source Code Thad Roberts
Maps of Meaning The Architecture of Belief Jordan Peterson
Object-Oriented Ontology A New Theory of Everything Graham Harman
The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce Harvard Univ. Press

    CP1 Principles of Philosophy


    CP2 Elements of Logic


    CP3 The Mathematics of Logic


    CP4 The Simplest Mathematics


    CP5 Pragmatism and Pragmaticism


    CP6 Scientific Metaphysics


    CP7 Science and Philosophy


    CP8 Reviews, Correspondence and Bibliography

Reality+—Virtual Worlds and the Problem of Philosophy David J. Chalmers
The Book of Why—The New Science of Cause and Effect Judea Pearl 2018
Causality — Models, Reasoning and Inference Judea Pearl 2009
Because Without Cause Marc Lange 2017
Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language Umberto Eco 1984
Laws and Lawmakers Marc Lange 2009
Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman 2011
Time to Tell Ronald Green
Nothing Matters Ronald Green
Difference and Repetition Giles Deleuze
A Thousand Plateaus Deleuze, Guattari
Reasons and Persons Derek Parfit
Cosmopolis Stephen Toulmin
Quantum Manjit Kumar
The Symbolic Species Terrence W. Deacon
Incomplete Nature Terrence W. Deacon
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind Julian Jaynes
The Propertied Self: The Psychology of Economic History Brian J. McVeigh
Semiotics, The Basics Daniel Chandler
Living Without Free Will Derk Peerboom
Breakdown of Will George Ainslie
Handbook of Psychology — 2003 Wiley & Sons
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 10 volumes — 1998 Routledge
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic 3rd edition:) A.C. Grayling
In Over Our Heads Robert Kegan
Immunity to Change Kegan & Lahey
The Evolving Self Robert Kegan
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physics Marc Lange
Gödel's Theorem, An Incomplete Guide to its Use and Abuse Torkel Franzén
Gödel, Escher, Bach. An Eternal Golden Braid. Douglas Hofstadter
I am a Strange Loop Douglas Hofstadter
Against Method Paul Feyerabend
The Abuse of Casuistry — A History of Moral Reasoning Jonsen & Toulmin
The Letters of Michel de Montaigne Michel de Montaigne
My Traitor's Heart Rian Malan
Your Brain at Work David Rock
The Nonsense of Free Will, Facing Up to a False Belief Richard Oerton
The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Louis Cozolino
Brain, Mind and the Structure of Reality Paul L. Nunez
The Master and His Emissary Iain McGilchrist
The User Illusion Tor Nørretranders
The Right Side of History Ben Shapiro
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels Alex Epstein
The Tyranny of Choice Renata Salecl
Out of Control Paul Kelly
Stiffed Susan Faludi
A History of Western Philosophy C. Stephen Evans
Knowledge in the Blood Jonathan D. Jansen
God Against the Gods Jonathan Kirch
Where Good Ideas Come From, The Natural History of Innovation Steven Johnson
The Politics of Life Itself Nikolas Rose
The Psychology of Humor Rod A. Martin
Inside Jokes — Using Humor to Reverse Engineer the Mind Hurley, Dennett & Adams
The Happiness Hypothesis, Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom Jonathan Haidt
Naked Economics, Undressing the Dismal Science Charles Wheelan
Origins of Human Communication Michael Tomasello

edit Books / Spiral Dynamics
Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
Don Edward Beck and Christopher C. Cowan

0. Introduction—Spiral Wizardry_Managing Spiral Dynamics
1. Introduction 3
2. Spiral Overview
1. Different Minds 4
2. vMEME Systems 4
3. The Dynamics of Change 6
1. Change Potential 6
2. The Dynamics of Leadership 7
3. Spiral Alignment - Streams 8
4. Spiral Integration - Templates 9
1. Workflow- the X Template 9
2. Management - the Y Template 10
3. Command Intelligences - the Z Template 10
4. The Spiral's vMEME Structure 10
1. The First Tier
2. The Second Tier
3. Spiral Chaos - Global Awakenings 11
4. Spiral Order - Scanning the Environment for Patterns 12
5. Establishing your Geo-Templates 12
6. Sounding for Geo-currents 12
Section 1: Overview of Spiral Dynamics
1. Different Times Produce Different Minds 17
1. Great Ideas are Forged in Chaotic Times 19
2. The Humpty Dumpty Effect 20
3. Distortions in Cycleland 22
4. Minds Change With the Times 23
5. The Shifting Views of Tom Peters and the Tofflers 24
6. The Wonderful World of Spirals 25
7. Cometh the Thinking: Spiral Dynamics 27
8. The Construction of Spiral Dynamics 27
9. The Pathfinder on the Mohawk 28
10. Genes and Memes: Circuit Riders on the DNA 30
2. The Nature of vMEME Systems 34
1. Interviews with Six People 34
1. Songoma 34
2. Street Kid 35
3. West Point Cadet 35
4. Entrepreneur 36
5. Social Activist 36
6. Parks Ranger 36
2. The Same Six People (Ten Years Later) 37
1. Songoma (+10 years) 37
2. Street Kid (+10 years) 37
3. West Point Cadet (+10 years) 37
4. Entrepreneur (+10 years) 38
5. Social Activist(+10 years) 38
6. Parks Ranger (+10 years) 38
3. Why Differences? Why Change? 38
—Re-enter Clare W. Graves 39
4. Qualities of vMEMEs — [What They Do, Are or Can Do] 39
1. Manifest the core intelligences affecting human behavior 40
2. Impact all of life's choices
3. Express healthy (better and unhealthy (worse qualities. 42
4. Are structure of thinking 42
5. Can brighten and dim as Life Conditions change 43
5. A Quick vMEME Overview 44
3. The Mind of the Spiral 48
1. Living Systems-Within 49
—Seven Principles of the Core Wisdom, the elan vital 50
1. Humans possess the capacity to create new vMEMEs
2. Life Conditions affect vMEMEs dynamically 52
3. vMEMEs zig-zag between Express and Sacrifice self themes 56
4. vMEMEs emerge along the Spiral in a wave-like Fashion 59
5. vMEMEs spiral up and down through levels of complexity 61
6. vMEMEs coexist within our 'onion'-like profiles 63
7. vMEMEs cluster in Tiers of Six along the Spiral 64
2. A Final Note: The Matter of Labels 67
Section 2: The Dynamics of the Spiral's vMEMEs
4. Change and the Spiral 71
1. vMEMEtic Strategies for Change 73
2. Principles of Spiral Change 74
3. The Six Conditions for vMEME Change
1. Estimating the Potential for Change: OAC Status 76
2. The OPEN State: Readiness for New Modes X 78
3. The ARRESTED State: Reluctance to Rock the Boat 79
4. The CLOSED State: This Is All There Is 80
2. SOLUTIONS ... 82
3. DISSONANCE ... 82
4. BARRIERS ... 83
5. INSIGHT ... 84
1. The Five Steps in the Pathway of vMEME Change
Phase 1: The ALPHA Fit 86
Phase 2: The BETA Condition 87
Phase 3: The GAMMA Trap 89
Phase 4: The DELTA Surge 91
Phase 5: The New ALPHA 92
2. Seven Variations on the Theme of Change 92
1. Horizontal Change 'Fine-TUNE' 94
2. Horizontal Development 'Expand-OUT' 94
3. Oblique 'Stretch-DOWN' 97
4. Oblique 'Stretch-UP' 93
5. Vertical 'Break-OUT' 93
6. Vertical 'UP-Shift' 93
7. Vertical 'Quantum' 93
3. ASSESS Before Trying to Implement Change 102
5. The Dynamics of Leadership 104
1. vMEME Wizards 105
2. Wizards of Change 106
3. Spiral Wizards 107
4. Leadership from the Second Tier 107
5. The Seven Marks of the Spiral Wizard 108
1. Think OPEN Systems rather than CLOSED Final States 108
2. Live and Work Natural Flows and Rhythms 109
3. Ultimate Goal to Keep the Spiral Healthy 109
4. Interact Well With Many Conceptual Worlds 110
5. Complete With Resources, Strategies, and Skills 111
6. Systemic Thinkers and Integrative Problem Solvers 111
7. A Unique Blend of Personal Beliefs and Values 112
6. The U.S. Military as as Macro Model of Leadership 113
6. Spiral Wizardry 115
1. The Spiral - in People, Companies, and Entire Societies 115
2. Detection: A Check-List of Recognition Principles 116
3. Use Universal "P-O-A" to Build Positive Relationships 118
1. P—The Politeness Factor
2. 0—The Openness Factor 120
3. A - The Autocracy Factor 121
4. The Spiral Wizard's Options for Situational Intervention 121
1. Just Walk Away 122
2. Reframe the Conditions
3. Connect Ideas with vMEMEs
5. Rules of Thumb for Spiral Leaders
1. If followers' vMEMEs are more complex than their

leader's, control can be taken only by intimidation or force

2. 125
3. 125
4. 126
5. 127
6. Characteristics of the 2nd Tier Leadership Package 128
7. Characteristics of Organizations in the Second Tier 129
8. Spiral Managing the Whole Spectrum 130
9. Leadership Assumptions of the Core vMEMEs: Anatomy 131
10. Dissecting First Tier Organizations on the Spiral 132
— Leadership Packages at vMEME levels
1. GREEN—Social or Communitarian 132
2. ORANGE—Rational or Economic 134
3. BLUE—Moralistic or Prescriptive
4. RED—Exploitative or Egocentric 138
5. PURPLE—Communal or Tribal 141
7. Spiral Alignment: Streaming Visions into Reality 143
1. The Design and Alignment of 'Natural' Systems

with Power and Precision

1. The Design Formula: Framing the Right Questions

(before giving premature answers!)

2. The Plumb Line Process 146
1. Job Requirements 147
2. People Profile 148
3. Recruitment and Selection 148
4. Placement 149
5. Training and Development (TAD) 149
6. Management 150
7. Form 150
2. Spiral Alignment through Streams 151
1. Overview 151
2. Choosing the Streams Team 152
3. When to Stream the Spiral 153
4. How to Align the Spiral:

The 10 Elements in the Streams Sequence

1. Decide What Business You Really Are In 154
2. Chart Big Picture Patterns and Flows in the Milieu 156
3. Take Inventory of Resources, Functional Capacities,

and Life-Cycle Stages:

4. Establish Set-Points, Locate Flywheels,

and Map the Organization's Psychological 'DNA':

5. Develop and Propagate a Strategic Vision 161
6. Connect Everything to Everything Else 162
7. Design an Ideal Hypothetical Model

Fitting Structures to Functions

8. Liberate, Realign and

Reshape Current Systems to Fit New Model

9. Place the Right Person into the Right Job

with the Right Tools and Support:

10. Build in Ongoing Realignment Processes

for Continuous Shifts and Changes

8. Spiral Integration:

Power and Precision in Organization Design and Transformation

1. The Wonderful World ofVirtual Reality 173
2. The Need for Templates: An Illustration in the Air 174
3. How Templates Work on the Spiral 175
4. The X Template: The Most Natural Forms and

Flows for the Critical Functions

1. Scripting and Charting the Job-to-be-Done

'from Alpha to Omega

2. Linking of Customers, Clients, Stakeholders and Functions

in Strategic Alliances on the X Template

3. vMEME Profiles and Levels of Complexity 182
4. Applying Patterns of Thinking and Natural Intelligences 183
5. The Y Template: People Factors and Management Systems 184
1. Using the Y Template for Selection,

Alignment and Integration of People and Processes

2. Y Template Management of

Technology, Resources,and Facilities

3. Day-by-day Monitoring of Events, Issues, and Performance

from the Y Template

6. Z Template Command Intelligences 188
1. Continuous Scanning of Present and Future 190
2. Macro-Managing the Total Organism 190
3. Shaping Large Scale Change and Strategic Interventions 192
1. World sensing quantum mind capacity: 192
2. Sequential plan construction mind capacity 193
3. Complex plan execution mind capacity 193
4. Entrepreneurial intelligence pattern 193
5. Translational intelligence pattern 193
6. Transformational intelligence pattern 193
Section 3: The Spiral Wizard's Field Manual
9. BEIGE Survival Sense The Instinctive vMEME

• Survive at the most basic level • Satisfy physiological needs • Form protective/supportive bands • Entities exist as biological units • Simply make it through the night/day

1. Awakening of the BEIGE vMEME — TRACKS — 197
1. At the Core of BEIGE, a virtually automatic existence 198
2. The Most Basic Human Needs 198
3. Survival Skills and BEIGE Intelligences 199
4. Dealing with the BEIGE vMEME 201
5. BEIGE/purple: Exiting Phase 202
10. PURPLE KinSpirits The Clannish vMEME

• Obey desires of the mystical spirit beings • Show allegiance to elders, custom, clan • Preserve sacred places, objects, rituals • Bond together to endure and find safety • Live in an enchanted, magical village • Seek harmony with nature's power

1. From Instincts and Biology to a Conscious Mind 203
2. beige/PURPLE: Entering Phase 204
3. PURPLE: Peak Phase — SIGNS — 205
1. The mind of PURPLE is animistic, shamanistic, and mystical 205
2. The collective memory carries the little memes for PURPLE 206
3. One for all, all for one 207
4. Shaman, Elders, and Chieftain 208
5. Spirits, spirits everywhere 209
6. Calling on mother when times are tough 211
7. The map is the territory 211
8. Gender, Sex, and Kinship 212
9. Impact on the environment 213
4. PURPLE/red: Exiting Phase 213
11. RED PowerGods The Egocentric vMEME

At the Core of RED -Life Conditions • In a world of haves and have-nots, it's good to be a have • Avoid shame, defend reputation, be respected • Gratify impulses and senses immediately • Fight remorselessly and without guilt to break constraints • Don't worry about consequences that may not come

1. purple/RED: ENTERING — FLAGS 215
1. From Magic to Machismo 216
2. From Consensus to Dominance 216
3. It's in Every One of Us 217
2. RED: Peak Phase — FLAGS — 218
1. It Ain't My Fault 219
2. Grandiosity 219
3. When RED First Appears 220
4. LC3 are the REAL WORLD for Millions of People 221
5. A Life's Not Worth Very Much
6. Life is a Jungle 222
7. A Society of Unequals - HAVES and HAVE-NOTS 224
8. Who's AT-RISK, Anyway? 225
3. RED/blue: Exiting Phase 225
12. BLUE TruthForce The Purposeful vMEME

At the Core of BLUE - Life Conditions • Find meaning and purpose in living • Sacrifice self to the Way for deferred reward • Bring order and stability to all things • Control impulsivity and respond to guilt • Enforce principles of righteous living • Divine plan assigns people to their places

1. red/BLUE: Entering Phase 229
2. BLUE: Peak Phase 231
1. Bringing order to chaos and structure instead of anarchy 231
2. The mood of BLUE 232
3. The rightful exercise of just authority 232
4. Right and Wrong 233
5. A reason and a purpose 233
6. Who goes there? Friend or foe? 235
7. Order and regimentation, everything in its proper place 236
3. BLUE/ orange: Exiting Phase 238
1. MOTTO: Work! 239
2. MOTTO: Authority on the Move 242
13. ORANGE StriveDrive The Strategic vMEME

At the core of ORANGE-Life Conditions • Strive for autonomy and independence • Seek out 'the good life' and material abundance • Progress through searching out the best solutions • Enhance living for many through science and technology • Play to win and enjoy competition • Learn through tried-and-true experience

1. blue/ORANGE: Entering Phase

Five forces enter, still resonant in modernism • Market economy • The utilitarian nation state • Narrowing of science as objective • Popularization of technology • Libertarian rise of individual

2. ORANGE: Peak Phase — FLASHES —
1. Change, not permanence,

is how nature works

2. Authority lies with experience, experiments,

and one's own right-thinking mind

3. People are meant to succeed and become winners 251
4. 'If 'twere done, 'tis best 'twere done quickly

(while I can get the recognition)'

5. Conformity to the image of success and fashion 252
6. Growing up with the ORANGE world 253
7. Life is a series of challenges,

tests, and opportunities to do better

8. 'Run it up the flag pole and see who salutes' 254
9 Humans are resources, thine own self be true 255
10. Self-assurance comes with the territory
11. Free-market, free-enterprise,

and laissez-faire models are the favorites

2. ORANGE/green: Exiting Phase 256
In Summary, the Five Forces the Orange vMEME adds to the spiral

• a capacity for discipline and the scientific method • a pragmatic sense of empowerment to resolve inevitable change • thirst to be first to discover, invent and conquer hidden worlds • a belief in human perfectibility through intelligent work • a release of the competitive 'juices' to strengthen the self to win

14. GREEN HumanBond The Relativistic vMEME

• Explore the inner beings of self and others • Promote a sense of community and unity • Share society's resources among all • Liberate humans from greed and dogma • Reach decisions through consensus • Refresh spirituality and bring harmony

1. orange/GREEN: Entering Phase 260
2. GREEN: Peak Phase — FUZZIES — 264
1. Togetherness, harmony, and acceptance drive decisions 265
2. Metaphysics and feelings begin to replace

old scientific analysis

3. Plenty of room for everyone 266
4. We, the people who share a common vision,

have our weaknesses

5. Communicating both content and feelings 267
6. To bring diversity together into community 268
7. The boundaries of tolerance and acceptance 269
8. Relativity can be uncertain 270
9. To sacrifice self for love since everyone is beautiful,

in their own way

2. GREEN/yellow: Exiting Phase
15. Stepping Over to the Second Tier 274
—YELLOW FlexFlow The Systemic vMEME 275
At the Core of YELLOW — Life Conditions7

• Accept the inevitability of nature's flows and forms • Focus on functionality, competence, flexibility, and spontaneity • Find natural mix of conflicting 'truths' and 'uncertainties' • Discovering personal freedom without harm to others or excesses of self-interest • Experience fullness of living on an Earth of such diversity in multiple dimensions • Demand integrative and open systems

1. green/YELLOW: Entering Phase 275
2. YELLOW: Peak Phase — FLOWS — 276
1. A FlexFlow Perspective 277
2. YELLOW's internal controls 278
...2. LC7 — FLOWS —
3. YELLOW is open to learning at any time and from any source 279
4. YELLOW thinkers rely on

what's necessary, natural, and next

5. YELLOW thinkers

display Second Tier lifestyle priorities and preoccupations

6. YELLOW engages a number of unique problem resolution

and decision-making processes that are both highly complex in design and remarkably simple in execution

LC7 Two Competencies 283
1. Developmental hotspots for change 283
2. Problem solving seeking for change 283
3. YELLOW: Exiting Phase 284
16. The Second Tier, A Second Step 286
TURQUOISE Global View The Holistic vMEME

• Blending and harmonizing a strong collective of individuals • Focus on the good of all living entities as integrated systems • Expanded use of human brain/mind tools and competencies • Self is part of larger, conscious, spiritual whole that also serves self • Global (and whole-Spiral!) networking seen as routine • Acts for minimalist living so less actually is more

1. yellow/TURQUOISE: Entering Phase 287
2. TURQUOISE: Peak Phase — HOLONS — 289
1. Everything flows with everything else in living systems 289
2. Embraces a global communitarian sense

without attacking individuals' rights to be

3. Discovers a new version of spirituality 291
4. Macro-view perspective translates

into action in behalf of the whole Spiral and all its parts

3. TURQUOISE/coral: Exiting Phase
Unknown... chaos.
Section 4: Global Order and Chaos on the Dynamic Spiral
17 Global Awakenings: 'New World Order' (and Chaos) 295

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Page last modified on December 19, 2021, at 09:53 AM