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Loosely in order of importance.

Title Authors
Einstein's Intuition Thad Roberts
The Symbolic Species Terrence W. Deacon
Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language Umberto Eco
Origins of the Sacred Dudley Young
Living Without Free Will Derk Peerboom
Breakdown of Will George Ainslie
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind Julian Jaynes
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5) American Psychiatric Association
Hide and Seek Neel Burton
Fallacies — The Art of Mental Trickery and Manipulation Richard Paul & Linda Elder
The Art and Science of Logic Daniel Bonevac
Handbook of Psychology — 2003 Wiley & Sons
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 10 volumes — 1998 Routledge
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic 3rd edition:) A.C. Grayling
Spiral Dynamics Beck & Cowan
In Over Our Heads Robert Kegan
Immunity to Change Kegan & Lahey
The Evolving Self Robert Kegan
Gödel's Theorem, An Incomplete Guide to its Use and Abuse Torkel Franzén
An Eternal Golden Braid Douglas Hofstadter
I am a Strange Loop Douglas Hofstadter
Against Method Paul Feyerabend
Object-Oriented Ontology A New Theory of Everything Graham Harman
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physics Marc Lang
Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman
Your Brain at Work David Rock
The Nonsense of Free Will, Facing Up to a False Belief Richard Oerton
The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Louis Cozolino
Brain, Mind and the Structure of Reality Paul L. Nunez
The Master and His Emissary Iain McGilchrist
Causality Judea Pearl
The User Illusion Tor Nørretranders
Incomplete Nature Terrence W. Deacon
The Tyranny of Choice Renata Salecl
Quantum Manjit Kumar
Out of Control Paul Kelly
Stiffed Susan Faludi
Nothing Matters Ronald Green
Time to Tell Ronald Green
A History of Western Philosophy C. Stephen Evans
The Abuse of Casuistry — A History of Moral Reasoning Jonsen & Toulmin
Knowledge in the Blood Jonathan D. Jansen
God Against the Gods Jonathan Kirch
Where Good Ideas Come From, The Natural History of Innovation Steven Johnson
The Politics of Life Itself Nikolas Rose
The Psychology of Humor Rod A. Martin
Inside Jokes — Using Humor to Reverse Engineer the Mind Hurley, Dennett & Adams
The Happiness Hypothesis, Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom Jonathan Haidt
My Traitor's Heart Rian Malan
Naked Economics, Undressing the Dismal Science Charles Wheelan
Origins of Human Communication Michael Tomasello



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Page last modified on February 04, 2020, at 08:54 AM