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Jan 2020

Fri 17


Testing and practicing table techniques.

Sun 12


Distinctions... Epistomological Empirical Logical Metaphysical Semantical
a priori yes necessary truth analytical
a posteriori no contingent truth synthetic

Sat 11


The complex and hysteria is the error that normal spacetime geometrically consists of at least three rectangular spatial dimensions (3d) and one time dimension (1t), or 4d (3d+t). According to such fallacious convention, things are agents-in-action. Hence, a spatial location where two personified agents can physically meet (in person) can only be found using the metric of at least three specific spatial dimensions and one specific time dimension.

Point-i is the idea that everything is word and that the minimal geometry is truly only 3d (2d+t). Charles Sanders Peirce

Three-dimensionality is symbol, not as sign, but as itself what something is. Therefore existence is virtual, or everything, whether icon (point), index (line) or symbol (plane), is symbol, which is word.

Now, the 11d geometric model of Einstein's Intuition? is the


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Page last modified on January 20, 2020, at 10:24 AM