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The alternative to word-i | Main group
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Original version Sat 25 Jan 2020 11h48

The alternative to word-i (that the ideas force and action are absolute error) is that things are in action, but only proverbially as a matter of the resolution of things in terms of spacetime. The action is virtual and the virtual past and future absolutely determine the point and word that now is, in other words that there is utterly no free will—and that animosity between people is redundant.

Monday Jan 20 15h18 for context to quote below: — click the wheel of your mouse to open in new window.

If one exists now, one is a point, point-i, which is not even infinitesimally integral. However the normal (and natural) assumption in terms of that very point, is also that existence is integral, e.g., not now... which is not only point or motion like now, or anything else word, but action, actual, or actually beyond the point that it is. It is not noun. It is action-verb.

In terms of time, integral existence is the past and future, or before and after the point, now. Furthermore, the point is that the world is integral in terms of all kinds of things (points) other than time. So, the convention is necessary that a point is actually integral, namely it is not a point, but an infinitesimal.

Whether the world is deterministic or not, the basic logical assumption of integral existence beyond the point would be, even without consciousness, that past worldly actions determine one's actions absolutely. As for the future as determinant, the logical assumption is that 'there is' mind and consciousness, i.e., that things past and future in synthesis together, determine one's actions absolutely.

So, Living Without Free Will, Peerboom is relevant.


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Page last modified on January 25, 2020, at 12:00 PM