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Books / Einstein's Intuition
Thad Roberts

Einstein's Intuition Point-i

Preface 11
Chapter 1—Seeing the Problem 23
Our Maps, A Brief History 27
Two Pieces of the Puzzle 36
Fitting the Pieces Together 39
Chapter 2—Rethinking Space and Time Again 45
Newton’s Bucket and Absolute Space 48
Einstein’s Absolute Spacetime 54
Modern Clues for an Ultimate Reference Frame 55
Chapter 3—Dimensions 61
Exploring “Dimensions” 63
Extra Dimensions 65
Curvature and Hidden Dimensions 68
Chapter 4—The Quantized Nature of Spacetime 75
The Sands of Space and Time 77
The Case for Quanta 81
The Investigation Begins 86
Chapter 5—Absolute Volume 91
Passing Through Flatland 92
Excavating the Foundation 96
Absolute Volume 98
Chapter 6—Space 105
The Wilderness of Eternity 109
Distance and Measure 110
Tensors 112
Focusing Out on the Vacuum 113
Chapter 7—Time 119
Questioning Time 122
Making Time Real 125
The Temperament of Time 126
Supertime 129
Chapter 8—The Speed of Spacetime 135
Light, The Limit 138
Speed and Time 142
Chapter 9—Warped Spacetime 149
Rethinking Gravity 152
Beyond Newton’s Apple and Einstein’s Rubber Sheet 162
Depicting Warped Time 164
Gravity’s Rainbow 165
Chapter 10—The Bucket 169
Newton’s Question 171
Einstein’s Question 173
Transforming the Question 175
Chapter 11—Dimensional Analysis 177
Complex Magic 179
Imagine a Number 181
Spinor Visuals Compared 182
Infinite Dimensional Cascades 185
Why Three? 187
Architectural Detail 188
Chapter 12—TheQuestionsOfQuantumMechanics? 197
Upsetting Our Worldview 198
The Dual Nature of Light and Matter 202
The Photoelectric Effect and the Uncertainty Principle 206
TheStateVector? 207
The Bell Theorem: Blurring Local Realism 211
Chapter 13—Beneath Quantum Mechanics 217
A New Scene of Thought 218
Paradigm Shift 220
Beneath Quantum Mechanics 221
The State of Space 223
Chapter 14—Quantum Tunneling and Wormholes 229
Euclidean Misdirection 230
Quantum Tunnels 232
Stepping Out of Spaceland 238
Seeing the Insides 240
Beyond the Veil 242
Chapter 15—Black Holes and Elementary Particles 247
New Solutions 248
Black Holes and Entropy 252
Chapter 16—The Constants of Nature 257
Where the Constants of Nature Come From 260
The Limits of Curvature 265
All Universes Have the Same Constants 268
Chapter 17—Deterministic vs. Stochastic 275
Level of Description 279
The Geometry of Determinism 286
Previous Interpretations 289
Consequences of Determinism 291
Chapter 18—Emergent Reality 299
Supervenience 300
The Emergence of Structure 303
Bottom-up Structure 308
Eliminating Illogical Infinities 310
Chapter 19—The Hierarchy Problem 315
Probing the Hierarchy Problem 316
Geometric Unification 319
Chapter 20—Beyond Forces 323
A New Perspective 325
Gravity 328
The Weak Nuclear Force 331
Electromagnetism 333
The Strong Nuclear Force 338
Chapter 21—Superfluidity 343
Superfluidity 343
Deriving Schrödinger’s Wave Equation 345
Analogue Gravity 349
Chapter 22—Quantized Vortices 353
Lord Kelvin’s Idea 354
The Higgs Mechanism 356
Chapter 23—Illuminating Dark Matter 362
In the Dark 363
A Natural Explanation 367
Chapter 24—Bohmian Mechanics 373
Finding Bohm 374
Deriving Bohm’s Formalism 378
Going Beyond Bohm’s Formalism 382
Chapter 25—Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking 389
Symmetry 390
Symmetry Breaking 391
Eras of Symmetry 393
Lorentz, Galilean and Other Symmetries 397
Chapter 26—Entropy 403
Mixing Things Up 404
Holograms 410
Asymmetric States 411
Chapter 27—Genesis 417
The Universe of Imagination 418
Before the Bang 420
Eternal Recurrence 424
Chapter 28—Dark Energy 429
The History of Dark Energy 430
Special Point? 432
What is Expanded Space? 434
Another Way to Explain Redshift 436
Chapter 29—Captain’s Log 445
Breaking the Conceptual Barrier 446
Gaining our Wings 449
Chapter 30—The Wilderness of Intuition 453
Avoiding Moral Shipwreck 455
Personal Inspiration 459
Seeking Explanation 462
Parsing Consciousness 465

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Einstein's Intuition Point-i

Link to the book's .i preface.


This book (EI) by Thad Roberts is my no. 1 favorite — as an account that to me implies that everything is virtual, or word — in spite of the author's intention for it to do the exact opposite. The original intent of the book is to show that everything that exists, fits together in a completely deterministic dynamic, although nearly all of that for any period of time, is outside direct human observation.

Word-i is the point that such a presupposition is rationalization of the historical mythologies of heroic discovery, agency and action. Such confirmation bias agrees with all of my other favorite books in the short bibliography, namely that things had evolved to where we humans now have complex minds, consciousness, and language.

Word-i is the strange contrary idea that everything, including humanity is point, motion and word (language), and that the idea that things are doing and having each other in any integral embodiment like space or time is the physical error force.

EI is a preliminary theory of everything (TOE) in terms of two compatible models. The theory is that the multiverse is 1) a (quantum-molecular) superfluid in 2) a geometry of at least eleven dimensions, the latter in terms of the colloquial 3d space and the one time dimension (1t) it translates in, and two additional 3d spaces that share an additional single time (1t) dimension:

d is spatial dimension
t is temporal dimension
=11 dimensions

For now — such a model is in accord with mathematics of complex and hypercomplex numbers, orientation entanglement, spinors, quaternions and octonions.

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