Blog 23.11 |
“Everything is a word” Although in “everything is a word,” the description of the article “a” is that the noun is not known, the issue of knowing is only in the context of the primary error, namely so-called, “existence” (x). Language as a sign or reference to a universe of imagery (icon), cries (index), and words (symbol) in general, in every sense of those categories of words, as the nested triads of reference, referent, and interpretation are existence. A language that “exists” is an infinite ocean of known or unknown semiotics contradictorily invariably words beyond words. The dyadic plane of contradiction nevertheless confirmed by the temporal third eye, by “interpretation” or “intuition” is such utter absurdity, that many consider it to be nothingness, or “the past.” A language that “exists” denies point-i, to perpetuate the necessarily temporal bullshit, x. The point-i being denied is that a word is existentially a point (temporally and geometrically nothing, the absence of everything x) and that x is the contradiction that is the mayhem. So, the idea that anything exists or does not exist is error. The unrelenting pressure by the kind of error that it is, not only needs farce, but is ultimately released virtually as an untrammeled buffoonery of fallacy, self-deception, and mental disorder, i.e., virtual, yet total genocide. |