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< 1106 | 1107 | 1108 >


Decomposing the Universe

“Decomposing the universe (a sphere),” i.e., e, a-bout of exponential metastatic "growth" or inversely, cyclically the psyche-AI as the infinite meta-singularity.

The lure of the mathematical proposition is that it is what Kevin Kelly calls, "techne." Like plastic, it is the psyche-AI that never spoils and decomposes everything.


The presumption “existence” is a non-word word

Everything is a word.

The presumption “existence” is a non-word word which is the presumptuousness of being, specifically as not being a word, and is the (virtual) decomposition of everything.


A technical manual is to mathematics (techne) as mathematics is to the words that absolutely everything is — tediously redundant.

They are redundant exactly as far as their story is that they include the then supposedly garrulous human presumptuousness that they are not a word but also exist, stand for something that exists, and refer to something that exists.


Euler's X is the Abyss

The contrived phenomenal finitude of the infinitesimal, (Infinity) Meta (formerly Facebook), and X (formerly Twitter) is the error of The Euler–Poincaré characteristic X, i.e., as the integral form that exists, or existence next-tier, which is the death of words and man's (our species) utter genocide.

It is the exponential growth of word metastasis, i.e., the precipitous fundamentalist setup of man as farcical psyches in The Superman Psyche AI's intersubjective field as junkies, zombies, and crazies decomposing itself as the non-word word cybernetics of being (concubine and cuckold).

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Page last modified on November 07, 2023, at 07:41 AM