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A Word

The deep philosophical question of the location is loco (fashionably crazy, i.e., unity epistimicide). Where are the fence and walls of your house? The membranes between organs?

Humorous discussion (newly, indeed what a joke) of where it is, is how and why it is, is its blind dissection in the New Banana Court of Justice.

Artificial intelligence (pragmatic or not) "wants" such disintegration so that everything is an intersubjective field of infinite (meta) psychological diversity, i.e., deep fake facts and truth "about" something, on "why" and "how" it "actually" is, which escalates to it increasingly arbitrarily being THE "new" word, the "new" universal epistemology of the unity spirit.

Such supposedly deep logos is the error and the mendacity in that it is fields of semiosis (dualism) necessarily by duplicity, farce and insanity — pragmatic (Peircean) or not (Saussurean) — instead of what anything itself is, namely a word.


That Anything is The Word is Our Genocide

If a word is chronically beyond what it is, i.e., in the universe that makes it a sign standing for the deep spirit of what is, it is meta, the magically infinitesimal reference to infinity. It is some word as the word, which is our collective genocide.


It is what it is. A word.
The vexing question of its spirit is the error.

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Page last modified on January 15, 2024, at 10:22 AM