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< 1204 | 1207 | 1208 >


In the Spirit of X, Wittgenstein, like all of Humanity, is a Liar

What Wittgenstein talks about* as what one cannot talk about is itself bullshit (magic). It is “the spirit,” anything about as if it is not immediately there-where (what) a word is, religious or secular.

  • About, i.e., any explanations that, how and why at all.

What Wittgenstein's talks about as what one cannot talk about is “the spirit,” religious, yes, the soul but many orders more acutely, secular, the psyche, i.e., the explanations that, how and why as if they too are not what they are (a word), but are infinitely meta or x (magically and humorously what is, and as what kinetically or potentially “exists,” what is or not — what is there or not there).

Meta and X are both infinitely more fake than religion. They are deep fake. They are only possible in Psychology, i.e., the logos of the secularized soul, the psyche.


The magic (bullshit) is gone when everything is but a word.
The magic (bullshit) is gone when what everything is, is not word, but a word.


Psychology is infinite orders more fake than religion. It is deep fake.

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