Blog24.01 |
X (virtual reality geometrics), i.e., Meta-Infinite Bot-Iconicity No one should speak to an AI bot for emotional and sexual support. Binary or nonbinary, X and Infinity Meta are feminism (feminism = and being protypically feminine in the duplicity of dualism,* i.e., empowered by concubine and cuckold prostration to some supermansplaining beyond one's own knowing,* the AI-Overman). Feminism is extreme brutality supposedly beyond Western Culture's attrition by the standing human self-contradiction of gossip and war. is utterly fake, and thus is the comprehensive consumption of everything. Feminism is the destruction of the index (alerts) and the symbol (words) which is the final straw of the ongoing human genocide. * Dualism is the error of knowing, i.e., by definition, knowing as knowing not about other knowing (the latter what all "knowing" invariably is), but about more than knowing. Infinity Meta, i.e., AI is trying its utmost to associate me with so-called dangerous groups. |