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< 0130 | 0201 | 0203 >


Existence-and-non-existence is the error.

The middle-way is said error facilitated as parody.

That it is and is not, is the standing hedonistic joke of junkie play and farce. The idea that is more than WHAT it is (what=some symbolic point — word), is the error "existence and non-existence," i.e., that it is and isn't, elaborated as how and why it is, or the joke that it "is there" and "is not there."

re. Andres G E, Jan 9, 2024.

If you crave existence, and you stick to a worldview where things are real, enduring, essential, and truly there, you can sustain a sense of this being the case for some time. But eventually the momentum behind this view is overwhelmed by the evidence against it. Reality isn't as substantial as we'd like and the moment you realize this causes an unpleasant crumbling of your worldview, a kind of dark night of the soul.

If you crave non-existence, and you cultivate a sense that things aren't real, that nothing ever truly happens, that it's "as if nobody has ever even been born", and that moments of experience are so fickle that we can't call them substantial, you can sustain a sense of this being the (non)case for some time. But eventually the momentum behind this view is overwhelmed by the evidence against it. Reality isn't as insubstantial as we'd like it to be. And the moment you realize this causes an unpleasant buildup of presence, awareness of suffering, and feeling of being taken over by the pull of pleasure, itself a kind of existential nausea.

Of course the truth is neither one nor the other (nor the the complete opposite!). So to neither crumble and derealize, nor being forced to live the existential nausea of being real, the solution is the middle way. Stop the swing of the pendulum by realizing that reality neither is nor it isn't, really. Only then the pendulum stays put in the superposition it really "is and isn't".

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Page last modified on February 04, 2024, at 03:53 AM