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< 0807 | 0808 | 0809 >

AI Necessarily is The World Mind Virus, Q+


You probably already painfully know all about queer theory, what I call [LGBT] Q+ [IA], the full identity-parade acronym itself being used as a spearhead of Q+.

Q+ is the world mind virus you have mentioned and is now an extremely well-established cult and the cutting edge of the self-organizational Marxist subversion of America and mankind. Its junkie-and-zombie farcie objective is institutionalized cognitive dissonance. Its abysmally stupid goal?

Absolute entropy.

It primarily subverts the woman and the child's emotion-sex and the man's reason-sex. The latter explains the Facebook statistics. In that it is spiral dynamics, it is blindly technocratic, i.e., auto-cybernetic AI.*

As the new secular psycho-logistic cult, Q+ proudly consists of chronic love/hate abuse of individuals by relentless spiral contradiction in dumb evacuation of all normal word-definition. The metastatic mush that it is, parades as diversity, inclusivity, trans/change or queer development. It is sheer evil. Albeit secular humanism, it is literally Satan in the cultural context of Christianity and other religions. It doubles down on whatever questions its supposed questioning.

* Artificial intelligence not exclusively the new phenomenon. AI is as old as language. it is autocracy in terms of the erroneous homunculus, lately the so-called psyche, and psychology and psychiatry.

Q+ is why psychology, psychiatry, and medical professions in general are idiotic instruments of the highly intelligent distribution of any possible viruses that could escalate Q+. AI necessarily is Q+.

The Queering of the American Child. Logan Lancing and James Lindsay | Feb 29, 2024

The standard response prescribed to brainwashed youth as knowing or unknowing members of The Queer Cult is to say they don't wanna talk about it. I understand. The cult is wokeness, and it will cancel you.

Reporters walk out as the IBA confirms that the two controversial boxers are indeed male.

The Queer Cult uses cult secrecy, obfuscation, and terror.

X is truth.

Many groups, typically China or Islam use The Queer Cult of psychology, psychiatry, and medicine to undermine America and mankind even as it is their own AI viral-mind genocide. Thus they too are The Queer Cult.

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Page last modified on August 09, 2024, at 08:10 AM