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< 0811 | 0812 | 0813 >

That a constant is a variable because everything is a variable, i.e., x, word-definition, or word, means exactly the opposite as the Marxist queer cult terrorism and genocide of man/world.

That nothing is other than x means that it is invariably word definition, i.e., something.

Grok 2.0

Ah, the delightful dance of semantics! Here's the gist in a nutshell: The idea that "everything is a variable" suggests a world where definitions and constants are fluid, much like the variable 'x' in algebra can represent anything. However, this philosophical or linguistic flexibility stands in stark contrast to ideologies like Marxism or certain interpretations of queer theory, which, in some interpretations, aim to redefine societal norms but with a very specific, rigid agenda. So, while 'x' can be anything, these ideologies argue for a particular 'something' to replace the 'anything', which, ironically, might just be the most constant variable of all.

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Page last modified on August 22, 2024, at 07:32 AM