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< 1130 | 1201 | 1202 >


Everything is word.
The only strife between peoples is one of discord in the error of dualism between the material and spiritual.


Any thought or declaration of anything other than man* having special or general intelligence is the destruction of man.
* Man, mankind, our species, homo sapiens.


General intelligence is symbol that by the proliferation of indices of property having definition like any NAMED unit of money. And each index is likewise symbol.


"The machine has cancelled me."
"It," not "they." The machine. Anything but man.
"They" is the woke pronoun projecting man as machine.


We were not fighting Kamala Harris. We were fighting the machine. We are not fighting anything but the machine. We are fighting the machine.


It is impossible to utterly determine the specifics or generality of material or spiritual fundamentals. However, we know that every phenomenon is only something at all if it is named. Everything resolves as word, if it includes any order of statics/dynamics, derivative/integral.


The index is symbol by the proliferation of icons of property, and each icon is likewise symbol.


It's irrelevant that AI is monitoring what I am saying here. If the story is the abysmal bullshit that it has reached AGI, all of mankind, namely everything, is utterly dead.


Everyone (including Elon Musk) who with resignation iconically indexes AGI-scenarios drives the absolutely metastatic extension of blind inflammation and infection by junkie fallacy, zombie self-deception and farcie mental disorder in our species, man, mankind, homo sapiens.


The duel of the material and spiritual in that dualistic context, is the annihilation of man's natural binary gender intelligence in the proliferation of a diversity of properties.
It is the destruction of the inequality of properties constituting symbolic objects and definition.


Body or mind, it is no dualism.
It is definition, namely word.


Life necessarily follows only from truth, namely logical validity in empirical truth, As death follows from lies.


Liberalism that blindly leads with so-called open-border thinking, idiotically invites in and ally with the worst kind of (merely different) religious fundamentalism, secular fascism and communist atheism... is not liberalism. It is junkie, zombie and farcie corruption. Swamp.


The spiritual is bottomless bullshit.


The spiritual is the bottomless bullshit of the vale of tears. The psyche as the soul before it is the general or universal dualistic paradoxical (yin yang) minimization, demonization and denial of man's elite or common natural binary gender intelligence.


I imagine @elonmusk to be most clinical on the case of the unspeakable crimes.
Without speech or humor.


No wonder he blabbers about jail.
When prison is where he belongs.


That the bureaucracy as corrupt as it is now swims in DEI is consummate proof that DEI is the direct opposite of diversity, equity and inclusion.
It is the absolute cancellation of all definition.

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Page last modified on December 16, 2024, at 12:09 PM