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< 1203 | 1204 | 1205 >


Liberal looseness is like the stinking flesh of Komodo dragon biting. Flip-flopping on Biden or doubling down on Trump, woke liberals as the legacy media and the legacy media as woke liberalism are lying eyes wide open, in the oozing sanctimony of its unequaled metastatic sepsis.


America and mankind are chronically being slashed by the Chinese Communist Dragon, whose fallacious paradoxical dichotomies by depth psychology's metastatic explanations, are the long red march through the institutions, unrelentingly igniting such looseness and disintegration.


DEI is the metastasis whose oozing mendacity is not possible other than as the sheer fallacy, self-deception and mental disorder of brat joy and malicious prosecution, in a disintegral world of absement utterly intractable to true definitions of diversity, equity and inclusion.


Jungian depth psychology, namely a consciousness based on unconsciousness, counter to the truth that existence is point-i (word) because it is what everything is, is the corruption of any (point-i derivative) definition and (point-i) integral.
It is the chronic rot of absement.


Every farcical paradox as if wisdom, reflects it.


Infinitesimal calculus, including quantum fundamentalism, is dead wrong. It is the root of all incompleteness, which is the foundation of the intersubjective fields of depth psychology, and is our ultimate psychosis.


The error of psychological manipulation has come to a head. Legacy media is a dead body whose lies are nothing but pus.


It's not a strawman. It addresses the error drug legalizers make, namely that drug users can mostly control themselves enough to be trusted to not make a mess for everyone around them.

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Page last modified on December 16, 2024, at 11:44 AM