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< 0203 | 0204 | 0205 >

0747 This is what the failure of zombie Leninist* infiltration and attack looks like.

0748 * Leninist—[The DOUBLESPEAKING Democrat Party]— dictatorship of the proletariat, a revolutionary vanguard party as the political prelude to the establishment of communism.

0755 Now we know that the new Democrat Party is in fact a zombie Leninist dictatorship that by means of simple doublespeak projects what they themselves are.
That is why they harp on President Trump as the lying fascist dictator, exactly because he is nothing of the sort.

0810 How foolhardy can a vanguard Leninist dictatorship get?
Still calling President Trump and now DOGE's exposure of the Democrat Party's pervasive criminally insurgent insurrection, the dictatorship?
The Leninist steal of the 2020 election was the only insurrection of J6.

0817 To say that is not McCarthyism. The available evidence of that is abundant like a never-ending flood.

0819 The Democrat Party as it now sits already is the communist vanguard party, and is a dictatorship [of the proletariat].

0841 The Democrats themselves must decide to disband the party, when they realize that it is a Leninist instrument pure and simple.
The same goes for the vast infiltration of the institutions.

0917 Your doublespeak is foolhardy.
Labor is a DICTATORSHIP of the proletariat, a Leninist vanguard communist party—like the Democrat Party in the US and the SA government.
The DM criminally organized a mass migration infiltrating the US (like the UK's) and it's simply being reversed.

0922 And do not forget Ireland and Europe. It is too is under Leninist siege. Nothing can be more totalitarian.

0945 As a vanguard communist party the DP supports collective ownership of the means of production, in the long run. It is junkie, zombie and farcie doublespeak top to bottom. To destroy everything.

0931 Posthuman hedonism is totalitarian genocide.

0939 America is man's last hope to escape total genocide.

0948 Subversive bots are mere insects.

1002 You should stop your foolhardy project and join forces with President Trump.

1029 The missus will not be happy and will not get over it?
Perfectly understandable.

1016 No. Will not work any more. It's over. This is what is happening.
Your Party is not getting away with gutting child development and family with abortion 'choice' and mutilating psychological operations and projecting the devastation onto anything and everything that opposes it.

1018 Identity politics is dead.

1020 The Democrat Party is the deep fake center of the swamp.
Drain the swamp.

1044 Again, the Democrat Party instrument is like a runaway train. Cannot stop the dumb identity politics of DEI-incompetence denying all normally distributed organizational intelligence and efficiency of genius young technicians following the seasoned lead of a highly competent team.

1049 The brutal threat against the software engineers is the habitual insurgent terrorism of the junkie, zombie and farcie Leninist Democrat Party at the deep fake center of the swamp.

1104 Wow, wtf Schumer.
The persistence of your subversive lies is disgusting.
The massive Leninist bureaucracy is the shadow government. And everything it does it projects on anything opposing the devastation it sows.

1121 To be as energetically subversive as it is without realizing the Democrat Party must be about 90% zombie.
The rest maintain it as subtlety and complexity.

1135 Pastor Ben, that you are blind to how brilliantly Elon Musk works has absolutely nothing to do with your skin color. It has to do with what you have been instructed by the Leninist overthrow of civilization to regurgitate, namely the phrase, "white male supremacy."

1140 The same kind of thing goes for @Ilhan

1156 The Leninist attack on all civilization uses the "white male supremacy" phrase to instill zombie in its 'proletarian' hordes.
Its main attack is about humanity as psyches(souls) devoid of the normal distribution of ternary efficiency of men, women and children—the latter to grow.

1200 So, feminism (clear ideological ism of superiority) is as blatant an assault against the functional efficiency of the woman as the trans-queered education system is against that of the young child.

1202 That is why I maintain that the race-card is a rich diversion. It is not the main line of attack.

1213 'Puppets'? You're puppet like a horde of zombies. Cannot stop.

1217 You clearly will not win. It's over. The trail of money is so deep, it's a trench.

1228 'Tooth and Nail'—Elon Musk
The Zombie-attack.
Of Leninism.

1251 There are ways even for the ghosts in the mountain to have their oaths fulfilled.

2032 As fake as Kamala's rallies.

2142 Hail the unknown soldier.

2353 A conspiratorial collective flying like a flock of birds.

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Page last modified on February 05, 2025, at 09:28 AM