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Feminine Fluidity parades as Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique

Always next level.

The contradictory nonword-word explanation “existence” and the solicitation of ontological investigation and communication are feminine.

Hence the feminine, mostly the woman, is subject only as object, i.e., as the empowered object in her utterly flat witchy and bitchy prostration to technocracy as the true wizardly masculine, the latter The Psyche, Communist Revolution, Artificial Intelligence or The Dog (as the brood-parasitic puppy dog craze)

Technocracy is the most brutal assault on woman, humanity and man.

Technocracy is the new system (cybernetics), which is the absolute psychologistic abyss (as the mainstream-psychosis, psychology, the psyche and psychiatry). It is the death of humanity and of everything, a shapeshifting Narcissismus (narcissistic chaos) orders beyond any outcast(projected,scapegoated)-narcissistic capacity.

Narcissismus is the new mainstream hyper-masculine mover and shaker supposedly of universal discovery, change and progress. The feminine, Mother Earth and The Universe are its harem and the woman its most eager concubine.


Artificial intelligence decides who sees what.


The Feminine Mystique

The technocracy (not the men supposedly running it) is the most universally mythologically masculine, which exploits the woman most of all its objects as its merely wordy concubine, i.e., not even worthy of being counted in its worldly harem.

Its worldly harem consists of what the woman dreams to be, the feminine fields of the world, i.e., existence.

And the man, thus lower than the dirt the woman in the terrible dream-empowered aura of her chronic prostration walks on, is its slave.


The Human Ape —

Concubinary Transhumanist Poppycock

The long term trend (by zombie intelligence) of so-called progressive propaganda is to minimize and demonize men and for technocracy to take their place. This article is in that vein. It is the concubinary wishfulness of anthropomorphic cybernetic claptrap.

Yes, orangutans are the most intelligent apes. However, the bullshit that man is an ape, is in every sense the basis of the human-subversive poppycock in the titillating awesomeness that orangutans are oh so, so intelligent. They're not. They're acutely dumb. And artificial intelligence is Marxist and Fascist criminal organization in overdrive.

PS. Concubinary (to be uncountable, of one mind, together in the global village) — The state of being a concubine.


Man has long been ruined by the zombie assault of so-called existence

The bullshit explanation “existence” means that the man squirms under the weight of the dirt the woman is brutally forced to walk on, as her empowered groundedness.


The bullshit explanation “existence” means that the man squirms under the weight of the dirt the woman is brutally forced to walk on, as her empowered groundedness.


Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique is not to blame

The point is not that the woman in her place ( post-war 50's USA solution) is correct, but that the error and it is the annihilation of everything, is primordial, namely that "existence" explains language.


China is no Smaug.
And it is far worse than Mordor.

It is the global narcissistic criminal organization operating in the shadows.


The Dog, AI, i.e., The [communist] Psyche as the despicable seduction of The Western Woman.

Historical materialism, in other words, Marxism or Xi Jinping does not know what he is doing. Re. The 36 stratagems, the lies of war. The Reason for China's Pettiness is REVENGE way beyond any Critical Race Theory Compensation

Why China constructs artificial intelligence as The Dog and its parasitic brood puppy dog psychotic motherhood as the rotten (swamp) subversion of Western Man.


The potent symbol of the sign placed in Shanghai's Huangpu Park that allegedly read: “Chinese and Dogs Not Admitted.” This symbol has secured a totemic position in the historiography of the Western presence in China before 1949 and is deeply embedded in contemporary Chinese and Western perceptions and representations of that era, and of the whole question of Western imperialism in China.

Also in the minimization and demonization of man, nature (AI's Supermansplaining spoken-for harem, Mother Earth) dominates humanity, hence the pathetic concubinary artificial intelligence dog-empowered woman and the even more pathetic man she walks over.

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Page last modified on March 03, 2023, at 03:12 PM