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Human intelligence is the archaic nationalist world order

Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and left liberals and their psychotically twisted dreams about a globalist new world order is only superficially ideological.

What it is, is psychology and artificial intelligence as outright war on humanity.


Deception is self-deception.

War on China is not the answer.

The answer is exposing Psychology and AI as the cutting edge system of error, deception and psychosis


The language of mainstream news and of the most corrupt police traffic stop are the same narcissistic pack of lies.


The unchallenged cuckolded idiocy currently vogue will be the end

Ronald Green

Is the world going to the dogs?
Is the situation worse than it has ever been, or is our historical memory faulty? Does not every generation think that things were better in the past?

Incredibly cliched rationalization. Things do appear to get better gradually, punctuated with devastation, sometimes for generations or centuries. One of such devastating periods can easily get stuck in that mode and extinguish everything.

So, I maintain that the cuckolded idiocy currently vogue as the new enlightenment by criminally organized terrorism, “diversity-together” (sic) is juvenile delinquency empowered subversion and destruction of all that has made America and humanity great and will turn out to be infinitely worse than any holocaust.


Unprecedented Terrorism

Like religion, artificial intelligence communism via psychology's ideological rape of humanity nearly exclusively targets women as its concubines, whereby men are its fawning cuckolds.

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Page last modified on March 26, 2023, at 11:41 AM