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A theory of everything necessarily has hidden variables that not only exactly discount force, but also that anything at all exists.


The context against “socialism” [totalitarianism] is that everything is mythological.

“I am epistemological, therefore I am ontological”—Ronald Green

Descartes also said something like that, as its precursor, namely, “Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am),” which influenced Jean-Jacques Rousseau to take it further by supplanting Descartes' metaphysics with metapolitics, i.e., the metaethical politics of epistemological ontology.

The current mainstream is mythically set up in terms of über human fallibilities. It is the conservative totalitarian progressivism of epistemology in the form of psychology, i.e., the logical system of humans as junkies to their relative fallacies. The equivalent ontology is the psyche, i.e., the psychic system of humans as zombies to their spiritual self-deceptions. Thus the belief that humans are subjects that some subject must control. However, the answer of control is denial that the supposed subject is itself the iteratively evolutionary (changing) nexus of denial.

In other words, “sum adservatus (being psychological, watching over, observing, guarding, keeping, preserving, storing up), ergo ontologicus sum.”


The Psyche is The [Secular] Superman

Psychology is the Ministry of Truth for the endlessly propagandistic pseudonyms of historical materialism (Marxism) by terror.

The Psyche is Nietzsche's Superman (The Dog, Artificial Intelligence) as metaethical politics (woke empowerment together) making of the woman its concubine and the man its cuckold.

The brood parasitic dog, as no man's child, symbolizes change as Mother Earth, the woman's universal body — as if change, no matter the derivative order, is not exactly the same error as static displacement and perspective — infinitely confirmed by the unity-integration of infinitesimals bullshit, the artificial intelligence singularity.


Zeno and Gödel's paradoxes reflect the unity bullshit existence

Every geometric existence is bullshit consisting of infinitesimal derivatives derived from the integrations (measurements) iteratively derived from it. Existence is bullshit explanation. Everything is the non-derivative symbol.


Semiotics, i.e., pragmatics, is the psychologistic secularism, the epistemological ontologism of totalitarian control, existence

It is the incremental but escalating error existence as not only that the symbol is a mere sign, but that the icon and index are the sign beyond the symbol.


The new and old lies are not at all equal. The historical materialist (Marxist) lies sold as empowerment are many orders worse than any precedent.


Ronald Green, that you've decided never to answer me is perfectly harmonious. The glitch is this. You say epistemology comes before ontology, yet you also say that the one cannot EXIST without the other. For the sake of the book, somewhat contradictory don't you think? No answer necessary. The question is rhetorical.

The mayhem is that Zeno's paradoxes and Gödel's incompleteness are inverted. The error is that the infinitesimal approach to limits or singularities that should point to the absolute nonsense of existence, are being integrated to represent and also by strong epistemological consensus to be that existence.

To know something is to commit the fallacy of not only knowing an infinity of Zeno's impossible infinitesimal limits of that thing, but to conclude that the differential-equation manifold of their integration represents or by strong "empirical" iteration are their "existence."


Maya A. Horton, do you use AI's that are conceptually many orders more "advanced" than ChatGPT?


Tolerance is the internality of externality, with much rope.


So, I am very concerned for Natural Law that The Dog of nature-determination is not any man, but The Psyche, i.e., AI-totalitarianism.

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Page last modified on March 21, 2023, at 04:35 PM