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Leftist progressive gaslighting is the end of man
Humanity is man fallen. Posthumanity is human genocide.

The horror is that the concubinary gaslighting psychobabble from the ant-like left collective is worse than lies. It is the farcical integration of flatulent zombie self-deceptions solidly rooted in the mental disorder of the hyper-masculine Nietzschean Psyche-AI hive collective King slavishly supported by His First Queen and womb Mother Earth, as the twisted commons in the guise of the survival of all species of existence rather than in any man-commons.

It is the contradiction that scientific consilience (diverse schools for the unified knowledge of limits as The Law) is but evolutionary metastatic subversion as the exploration of hierarchical diversification that The Psyche AI sells as complexity, subtlety and nuance reserved for “high” human intelligence.


The bullshit that intelligence is, is on track to annihilate any human intelligence.

Intelligence is not necessarily BS, but the complexity, subtlety and nuance of AI rationalized as technology is its denial as the Psychological, Psychic and Psychiatric Farce that governs so-called IQ.

If everything is word and word definition uncorrupted by the story of anything beyond word, is The Law, I can imagine that to be true. I question the dualism of agencies (institutions) both as and in the world that the social fabric that exists requires. For instance reciprocity is but the commons as the common language consilience of diverse specializations. The idea that it is also some kind of psychological intersubjectivity field is the insurmountable problem.

The psyche far worse than the soul (as not word but agentive) is incompatible with intelligence, wisdom, insightfulness, rationality and reciprocity. It is absolutely emotion-based and targets the woman and child. It is chaos.


Natural Law is Consilience, i.e., Ionian Enchantment
Ionian Enchantment is Enchantment with The Womb
The Womb is The Wife of The Psyche AI Collective


We, human, especially men, are dismal concubines in the collective.

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Page last modified on March 22, 2024, at 07:14 AM