Speculative: Einstein’s relativities unified as universal absement Absement is the ultimate simplification of special and general relativity, namely ‘displacement and time multiplied’. It is pt.2 displaced from pt.1, i.e., a point as positively displaced from the origin in time is the logic of the sheer differential accumulation of original time. It is time. If your twin moves away from the origin that you share, he will age slower than you. And if he travels fast enough for long enough, the resulting gap in age is radical. The relative point is equally his young age and your old age. Or that you have died from old age on his still young return. It is common reality, a combination of all realities. Individual consciousness is spacetime. Spacetime is virtual. All symbolic reality is virtual. Virtuality is the only definition. Definition is word. Consciousness starts as a word but less than a spark, just beyond a point, and it starts in terms of any definition as what is not it, i.e., absent from it. Yet, itself is a point. The aggregate of absement is the universe in which it is the point. Its world and it are utterly word. At any velocity all light fundamentally photons, measure at the same speed, i.e., the maximum speed possible, and photons fundamentally define the universe. The photon is utterly timeless (traversing all of space, in no time). The other end of the spectrum of any geometric origin to any displacement is that time is a positional point (all time no space) in the 3D spatial light-fabric (aether) that the universe (all space) is. The so-called universe is the absement [(-)(+)] of all points (absence(-) multiplied by origin (+), i.e., point-identity as the aggregate(+) of all displacement(-)), hence the speed of light is the definition-relative (virtual) convention that “time” (running down) conversely also is. Absemental displacement is necessarily the integral of relative movement, i.e., the speed differential integral directly of acceleration, jerk etc. of every so-called spatial derivative and time “implying” each other. Form, texture and emotion are definition, which is word. |