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< 0422 | 0423 | 0425 >


Dogs and dog parents, and the posthuman tyranny

Fathers are not men. The word has massively changed definition. They are not even dogs.* They are more like concubines to the posthuman-cultural tyranny.

* Dogs, i.e., Fathers to the new spandrel-species of children, dogs.


Dysgenics, The Farcical Law of Genocide

Woke medicine/education is worse than paternal fraud. It is husbandry fraud, i.e., dysgenic genocide cybernetics.


One more step in the ultimate subversion and genocide of homo sapiens.

Namely, the ultimate stunting of any normal binary word definition.

For the first five years of their lives, the formative years, children are held in limbo as if on the verge of Hell, which is exactly what the conversion of man to psychological junkie, psychic zombie, and psychiatric farce requires.

The ultimate subversion and genocide of homo sapiens is its obvious goal.

Unfortunately the perpetrators scoff at being called perverse criminals, because they are way beyond that, or any demonization. They are not even concubines of the authoritarian globalist banana-law collective (The Psyche AI, i.e., Drog). Psychologistic junkie, psychic zombie and psychiatric farce is a closer depiction. Binary word definition: A is B in the sense that everything (any definition at all) is word definition and word.


The asinine laws being passed to subvert homo sapiens will lead to unprecedented horror, one way or another.

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Page last modified on April 27, 2024, at 12:25 PM