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The Evolving Nobility of Animal Farm

The errors of the descriptions “evolution,” “nobility,” and “change” are due to man set up as a highly intelligent human righteously living by his non-symbolic symbolic psychic-complex anthropomorphic projection of Nature as pharmakon.


Denial That Word and Reality are Plainly Music is Cacophonic Music Denial

Institutional claims to remedy the current swamp of corruption (psychologistic wokeness and AI) seem to be hopelessly underestimating the obstacles of the universal error and thereby noise (chronic farce), of millennia of thinking that

1) starting with physics and sprouting from there, that some of the music (word definition as reality) ought to be to such an extent staged as players and instruments playing the music, for them and consequently for everything they do or have necessarily to be systematically minimized, demonized and denied as music (word definition as reality).

2) In the resultant chaos and confusion of said chronic error the “truth” and “facts” thus supposedly properly confirmed by falsification and testimony are mined through the psychology and cybernetics of such a non-word informed world of secularly pedagogic behaviorist terror.

The terror of natural law retribution by natural law constraints, while in terms of words (text) for their context sourced above and below or in any geometric space beyond words, including time. The law must be sourced above in the light (by nobility) and below in the shadows (by enforcement). Therefore every variation of the current technocracy including its technological enhancements live in the delusional presumption that true information, knowledge and wisdom esoterically reference the “realm” of non-music.

The law chronically underestimates and adds to the obstacles of the existence-constitutional error of denying that the music is plainly music, without any kind of subjective awe or fanfare. Such denial of music as music historically has started with the physical and spiritual and has relentlessly been spreading from there and is now squarely psychological, psychic and psychiatric farce. Our view of nature and its laws is massively geometrically evolving specifically as if beyond music and is thereby the error of a very caustically erroneous kind of anthropomorphism by the vast terroristic mythologies of blaming man, humanity and post-humanity, the latter the three stages of its metastatic genocide of man. It is a cacophony of crime-and-punishment — at every level by consistent denial of the nature of the chaos and our vast underestimation of it — incrementally leading to absolute music-denial, i.e., GENOCIDE.


Music is now. Every writing, reading and playing of any specific score is other music, now, the point of text-as-context, word definition, and word. Everything is word.


“That” Someone Plays It, “Oh, So, So Much”

Music or the music that reality is does not lie except for the external critical and internal lyrical explanation cloaked, masked and daggered as description, that someone plays it “oh, so, so much” who thereby is not music.

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Page last modified on April 30, 2024, at 02:32 PM