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Vision: Property Mission: Property Index Tyranny: Communism

Everything is Motion
The Error is that Things Exist or Not
Every "being" is opposite-and-equal force or potential which offsets
Liberalism is next-tier twittery, sarcasm and hypocrisy, i.e., farce

Agency is the error force-and-existence, bigotedly fundamentalistically confirmed by spirit, soul or psyche
Force is the intersubjective field of persons and personifications that are the cancer
Human scapegoating (blaming, shaming and destruction are the error agency and action
Agency is fallacy, self-deception and mental disorder (fsm=force, f)
Fallacy is the errors f as psychology in logic, law, rhetoric and politics

Everything is motion, which is point, time, word and man
Spacetime is time dimensional. That it is space is the error that is the mayhem.
'To exist' is the error force, f
Physical force as explanation of pattern or motion is the error f
The physical universe sums to null
Any non-word words e.g. force, power and control (fpc) are the error f (fpc=f)
Definition as intension and semiotics as extension are the error f
Word is virtual derivative point and motion
Word is 0d actual (a point) and therefore non-actual 3d
3d symbol, 2d index or 1d icon are the point-3d, volume
The icon is the point, line
the index is the point, plane
the symbol is the point, volume
Any idea that words are insufficient is the incompleteness that is the mayhem

The Next-tier Scapegoating Triad? re. The Dark Triad
1. Psychology is Logical Fallacy
2. The Psyche is Self-deception
3. Psychiatry is Mental disorder

Words category

The physical universe as real or imaginary dichotomy is f
Location and dimensions are point
Number is Property
Property is point

Transpersonal systems are authoritarian hierarchy
The Evolving Self
Integral Theory
Spiral Dynamics SD
Spiral Dynamics autocracy

The normal and natural institutions are force ismus
Religion is f religionism
Psychology is f psychologism
Science is f scientism
Economics is f econocism
Politics is f politicism
Law is f legalism
Philosophy is f philosophism
Conservation is f conservationism

Progressivism is to conservatism as metastasis is to cancer
The error is f
The inevitable result of f progressivist social justice war is next-tier fascism-and-communism
Conservative fascism is truth-fundamentalism, or eugenics (attrition)
Progressive fascism/communism is lie-fundamentalism, or dysgenics (riot)


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The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce
Harvard University Press 1931

CP1 Principles of Philosophy Harvard University Press 1931


Book I. General Historical Orientation

Chapter 1. Lessons From the History of Philosophy 15
Chapter 2. Lessons From the History of Science 43
Chapter 3. Notes On Scientific Philosophy 126

Book II. The Classification of The Sciences

Chapter 1. An Outline Classification of The Sciences
Chapter 2. A Detailed Classification of The Sciences

Book III. Phenomenology

Chapter 1. Introduction 284
Chapter 2. The Categories In Detail
Chapter 3. A Guess At The Riddle 354
Chapter 4. The Logic Of Mathematics; An Attempt To Develop My Categories From Within 417
Chapter 5. Degenerate Cases 521
Chapter 6. On A New List Of Categories 545
Chapter 7. Triadomany 568

Book IV. The Normative Sciences

Chapter 1. Introduction 573
Chapter 2. Ultimate Goods 575
Chapter 3. An Attempted Classification Of Ends 585
Chapter 4. Ideals Of Conduct 591
Chapter 5. Vitally Important Topics 616

CP2 Elements of Logic Harvard University Press 1932


Book I. General and Historical Survey of Logic

Chapter 1. Critical Analysis of Logical Theories 1
Chapter 2. Partial Synopsis of a Proposed Work in Logic 79
Chapter 3. Why Study Logic? 119

Book II. Speculative Grammar

Chapter 1. Ethics of Terminology 219
Chapter 2. Division of Signs 227
Chapter 3. The Icon, Index and Symbol 274
Chapter 4. Propositions 309
Chapter 5. Terms. 391
Chapter 6. The Grammatical Theory of Judgement and Inference 435

Book III. Critical Logic

A. Explicative Reasoning
Chapter 1. The Aristotelian Syllogistic 445
Chapter 2. On the Natural Classification of Arguments 461
Chapter 3. Extension of the Aristotelian Syllogistic 517
Chapter 4. Notes on Explicative Reasoning 537
Chapter 5. Deduction, Induction and Hypothesis 619
Chapter 6. The Doctrine of Chances 645
Chapter 7. The Probability of Induction 669
Chapter 8. A Theory of Probable Inference 694
Chapter 9. The Varieties and Validity of Induction 755
Chapter 10. Notes on Ampliative Reasoning 773

CP3 The Mathematics of Logic Harvard University Press 1932

Paper 1. On an Improvement in Boole’s Calculus of Logic (1867)
Paper 2. Upon the Logic of Mathematics (1867) 20
Paper 3. Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives, Resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions of Boole's Calculus Of Logic (1870) 45
Paper 4. On the Application of Logical Analysis to Multiple Algebra (1875) 150
Paper 5. Note On Grassmann's Calculus of Extension (1877) 152
Paper 6. On the Algebra of Logic (1880) 154
Paper 7. On the Logic of Number (1881) 252
Paper 8. Associative Algebra
Paper 9. Brief Description of the Algebra of Relatives (1882) 306
Paper 10 On the Relative Forms of Quaternions (1882) 323
Paper 11. On a Class of Multiple Algebras (1882) 324
Paper 12. The Logic of Relatives (1883) 328
Paper 13. On the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation (1885) 359
Paper 14. The Critic of Arguments (1892) 404
Paper 15. The Regenerated Logic (1896) 425
Paper 16. The Logic of Relatives (1897) 456
Paper 17. The Logic of Mathematics in Relation to Education (1898) 553
Paper 18. Infinitesimals (1900 563
Paper 19. Nomenclature and Divisions of Dyadic Relations (1903) 571
Paper 20. Notes on Symbolic Logic and Mathematics (1901 & 1911) 609

CP4 The Simplest Mathematics Harvard University Press 1933

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Page last modified on July 03, 2020, at 06:06 AM