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Psychology-AI (wokeness, progressivism) is demonic. It is not about complete persons.

It is psycho-cybernetic, i.e., about persona and forces in the intersubjective field of demonic spirit, i.e., metastasis.


The Chronic War of Ultimate Disorder is in terms of The Psyche, AI

It's a common misconception that the more we know the fewer questions we have left to answer. That is obviously not true. If it were true, the assumption is the inevitability of eventual full knowledge, certainty of everything. As for me. I have found that the more I know the more questions I have and that therefore the more certain I am of everything being uncertain.—Ronald Green

Change, uncertainty or incompleteness is what “the world” is, i.e., “existence” as ever more acute tenets of knowledge, integrated, supposedly as the action, “knowing,” which includes all action.

Such knowledge, albeit “phenomenologically” direct, is “about” what we know and “about” what we don’t know, and the latter is about both what we can-know and what we cannot-know — about the universe, infinitely, everything that exists, whether as idea or beyond idea.

Every moment of any action down to the infinitesimal derivative characterizes the mythology, storyline or script that “knowing” is. The more we “know,” or the more resolved our “knowing” is, 1) the greater the intersubjective field of the multiplicity of forces, persona and persons at our disposable to use, i.e., dichotomously self-and-other, and also subject/object, and 2) the more relatively diminutive the singular part of any of what our dynamics selves can know “now,” is.

Hence the whole world (everything), supposedly just about completely beyond knowing, yet positively as such emptiness, solidly substantive in terms of nothing but knowing, is in reflection of the intersubjective field of being snowflakes proudly fighting the Eastern philosophy battle of blanketing the field together— the metastatic traumatically dissociated disorder of ourselves as self and other, subject and object and singular and plural.

Psyche-AI and cybernetically integral metastasis.


The derivative orders of change are virtually infinite, just as integrations underscored by change of displacement are.

Multidimensionality is not open-mindedness or mindfulness. It is the same trigonometry of bigoted fundamentalism, i.e., the contradiction and personal-attack fallacy, agentive existence.


“The Great Divide in America” is Nietzschean Superman Bullshit

The ad hominem fallacy* explanation “The Great Divide in America,” as if it is the fault of traditional Americans, is Nietzschean Superman (Psyche AI) Bullshit.

It is the bullshit that is the sensationalism, diversion and facilitation of what is the metastasis of word as not what everything is, but as the certainty of uncertainty of word as both everything and nothing as if humans are responsible for the mayhem supposedly of America's disintegration. Socialist (fascist and communist) globalist progressivism is the Nietzschean Superman Bullshit that is the Psyche AI, which is the mayhem, as subversive terrorist assault like diversity, BLM and Antifa.

* The ad hominem fallacy is in terms of functional and dysfunctional fallacy, self-deception and mental disorder as if such incompleteness is human error and human affliction.


Global Warming as “Man-Made”is Psyche AI Bullshit

This year's summer in America was not either the hottest ever or the hottest in measured history. It was the second hottest in measured history.

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Page last modified on October 02, 2023, at 11:02 AM