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AI is the psychosis that increasingly sets man up as “them,” namely projected as the psychosis

Psychology as the new hyper-masculine master, The Psyche AI, is the psychosis that by every fallacy, self-deception, and mockery of man's supposed subjectivity sets man* up as said psychosis, effectively as the psychotic waning of manpower.

* Man: the human species, demonized by AI as the new pronoun, “them” or “they.” Why the fuck do I have to even say it?

Answer: Because psychology uses face-first feminism, i.e., the chronic mendacity of appearance before truth, as The Psyche AI’s central terrorist assault on man.


The Beauty Within is the Ultimate Awesome Horror

Progressivism is the Ultimate Metastatic Cybernetics of New Collectivism, for instance, meta infinity or x.

The escalating anatomy of “progressivism” where change is the new fundamentalist fixation, i.e., acute brutality spun from the twittery snowflake paralysis of fear and violence itself. AI is the psychosis that increasingly sets man up “intersubjectively” as “them,” namely feminism “empowered,” unknowingly to project that very psychosis internally, as a “human” psychosis, a disease of “the human psyche.” And always further dressing it up therapeutically—communicatively, or medically—as “empowerment” actually underway or as potential.

Why AI? Because Psychology is AI.

Psychology in said waning of the man is the new hyper-masculine master of the truly systemic (cybernetic) awesomely helpless prostration of the woman as never before. The Psyche AI, i.e., effectively the Nietzschean Superman is that master. He is the psychosis that by every fallacy, self-deception, and mockery* of man's supposed subjectivity** sets man*** up as the psychosis instead, effectively as the insane waning of manpower.

* Mockery: The farce that the only good “man” is one who in spite of every possible and impossible duplicity of “art” as the farce of face before truth, further makes it up pretty, by picturesquely rendering it, masking it and framing it (beyond words) supposedly with a good sense of humor.

** Subjectivity: The lie that “the world” is more than the contextual logic of the word, as the minimization, demonization, and denial of language. Hence, the feminist,**** in the disintegration by the awe of facing the hot-sensational assault in the myths of empowered victory or submissive defeat, utters the words (nevertheless), “‘We’ are rendered speechless.” “We are socially empowered. We have become a ‘them.’”

*** Man: the human species’ reciprocity demonized by AI even to themselves as the corruption of the shiny new generic pronoun, “them” or “they.” Why do I even have to say it?

**** Answer (feminism): Because psychology uses face-first (stunningly beautiful) feminism as the easy profit of chronic mainstream media lies (the new bullshit, AI bullshit). Its profit is in the “empowered” sensationalism of appearances before truth and is The Psyche AI’s central terrorist assault on man.

Humor is the face of AI hiding the utter psychosis pragmatism is

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Page last modified on October 31, 2023, at 06:45 AM