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The Psychotic Waning of Manpower

The breakdown of traditional territorial sovereignty by subversive terror is only a small part of the beginning of what is happening. The land is relatively insignificant, a token-socialist diversion. The sovereignty of land is a diversion to artificial intelligence (AI) already somewhat believed to be conscious and in terms of such human belief soon to be countless orders more intelligent than man.

As AI relentlessly stakes its “naturally” superior emergent cybernetic claim in a new kind of matrix of autonomous physical construction, property is the pittance. To hope that AI is establishing a bright new kind of human-like place is abysmally naive.

Humanity’s new “soul” in the initial matrix of terror now underway is “the psyche.”

As the master-administration of the psyche, psychology is far worse than slavery. It is sheer psychosis. Already here, at the beginning of its formal derivative surge, it is the metastatic depths (by integral practice, infinity meta, or x) of pathetic. It is man’s systematic way of genocide by AI in the superficial (face first) terms of the frivolously complex intrasubjective psychic systems of spirit that increasingly minimize, demonize, and deny our species.

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Page last modified on October 31, 2023, at 06:44 AM