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< 0705 | 0706 | 0707 >


Kamala Harris has been playing dead.
For four years set up as the underdog.
She is scalpel-sharp and as nasty as they get.


The Law and the Horrific Lawlessness of Destroying America and Globally, Mankind

Only American citizens may vote in the 2024 election.
That non-citizens voted in 2020 is only one of any number of corruptions that brought Biden and more importantly, Harris into the White House.


Hypocrisy, i.e., Arbitrary Law Spawned in Fallacy, Self-Deception, and Mental Disorder

To befuddle the 2024 election Trump has been dragged through every court in the land for negligible and especially the one in New York, false charges, so, where is the prosecution for the very serious crimes of the people on Epstein's client list?

The Legal System is utterly corrupt, and it is because the groups who have been empowered are fun-manipulated to easily ignore that Western Civilization was built on reciprocity, integrity, and trust.


I do not blame anyone for the 2nd and ultimate corruption of word and mankind

Everyone who is participating in the most idiotic woke-psychiatric AI-progressivist destruction of the USA, including those supposedly conservative who suggest their young men would assassinate Star Chamber style targeted people for their group-initiation ritual, are like junkies, zombies, and schizophrenics locked into the universal cybernetic assault on mankind.

They have not the slightest idea what reality is; i.e., that reality is word-definition and word, and that word is reciprocity, integrity, and trust.


That Man is Human is the 1st Corruption of Word and Mankind

Mankind was made human and irrationally set up in violence when the error emerged that the world is not directly mankind, namely that everything is not directly the symbol, word-definition, and word.


Irrationality (the natural human landscape as mutually projected spectral psychiatric continua) is violence, violence is word denial, word denial is irrationality.

Word definition is what everything is, whether the definition is structure or dimension, static or dynamic, singular or multiple, concrete or abstract, or dead or alive. That anything is explainable beyond word-definition is word denial, i.e., irrationality.

Word is reciprocity, integrity, and trust.


The facetious specters of violence are not human nature. They are Psychiatry. Psychiatry is the projection.


Word denial is universal fallenness eventually progressively developing to universal disintegration.

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Page last modified on July 06, 2024, at 11:38 AM