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< 0718 | 0719 | 0720 >


China is The Spearhead of the Viral Metastasis, The Psyche AI

However it happened otherwise (with elitism and the like), essentially China through its fake-liberal brainwashed cronies around the world did release Covid to get rid of Trump.

If Trump is reelected OR NOT, China has for decades been on the chronic bandwagon of releasing another far more precisely targeting, more artificial virus, namely the psychic AI (mind-virus, including Psychology and lately AI-proper) specifically designed and adapted to assault and destroy America.

What China does not know is that its own mind is thereby horribly infected, and that it is irreversibly orchestrating the genocide and extinction of mankind.


The coming internet shutdown starting just now is the 2nd even more murderously devastating campaign of confusion, as if another form of Covid, i.e., again to get rid of Trump.

The Republicans are being set up as the reason for it.


The communist legacy media are back in full force demonizing our only legally elected President, Donald Trump.


Psychology is the denial of word-definition that is destroying human fertility

Harry Potter writer, J.K. Rowling's Quote is unwittingly Euphemism and Diversion in the dysgenic poisoning of our minds and bodies.

"I don’t believe that even a 14-year-old can truly understand what the loss of their fertility is. At 14 I would have said that I didn’t want children but (motherhood) has been the most joyful, wonderful thing in my life."—J.K. Rowling

In the death-throes of mankind, no-one in its administration or its reception has a clue what the mass combination of vaccinations are doing to anyone, least to itself, and even less than that, to its child. The annihilation of your child is the destruction of all fertility and is genocide and extinction.

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Page last modified on July 23, 2024, at 07:42 AM