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< 0726 | 0727 | 0728 >


“Love” is the corruption of word-definition, (reciprocity), to “mindfulness,” i.e., “meaningfulness” or “meaning.”


“I've never seen anything worse than what's happening right now. And that includes the sorts of things that were done in the camps in Germany. At least the goddamn Naz*s admitted what they did was wrong. They tried to hide it. We trumpet it as a moral virtue.

“These surgical procedures are so brutal and so experimental that they're—I'm going to say it again—they're worse than what the Mengele types did in the concentration camps in the thirties and forties. And that's a pretty goddamn low bar.”—Jordan Peterson.


The dysgenic extremism pulling The Democrats' and Rhinos' strings is deep-fake (Satanism), i.e., ultimate word-denial.


“Everyone ending up in the same place” as Kamala Harris says, is anything but true diversity, i.e., reciprocity.

It is the cancerously short-sighted solution to the so-called zero sum game and is genocidal metastasis.


Given that religion and psychology are AI

That religion, for instance, a father-and-son spirit is the creator of the soul, thus is and has the word is the first steal of word-definition. It is the cancer.

Modern psychology, namely that the world is a zero sum game of the psyche [solved by being brought to one place] is the second and ultimate steal and destruction of word-definition. It is the metastasis.


Gender-affirmation is a pack of lies.
It is wrong to think it is mere species sterilization.
Instead of the final entropy: the cancellation of word.


The One Place where we must be, re., Kamala Harris, is metastasis—wordlessly groped together.


Okay, utter, utter fools, when the AI-gen dopamine fix is dulled and faded to black, where are we then?


The globalist mind virus (wokeness) is unhuman misanthropy.


My conclusion on the multi-resolution reciprocity (point-differential definition) of intelligence is that it is symbol or word definition. The chaos of artificial intelligence as so-called "outside" programming is the ontological-magic error of existence as universe-predeterminism, which is word[definition]-denial. The speechlessly iconic confusion that we're entering is unity entropy. Note: Religion and psychology are artificial intelligence and human intelligence is subject to it, it is what human intelligence is. Intelligence is not human intelligence. It is mankind intelligence.

Where "outside" includes "inside," namely the dichotomy of identifying as predeterministically being in the world, and therefore using words in the most minimized, demonized, and denied role.


Word-definition is order (reciprocity).
The world as if prior to it is chaos.
Programming it in "collectives" is chaos.


The Definitive Resolution of Equity is that it is word.

America (Yes, civilization-averse Latino-puppets... America, i.e., The USA) is on the cusp of bankruptcy because of longtime cybernetic Chinese terrorism.

So, if the world were equitable, namely a meritocracy of true intelligence rather than artificial intelligence, it could with unity odds sue "their" abysmal IDIOCY, lifelong emperor Xi Jinping.

Equity is not the entropy that the world is a cosmological zero sum game, but the negentropy that everything is word-definition, which is the point that intelligence is not programmed, i.e., communism (or fascism), but anthropic.


TruthB4Face, i.e., reciprocity, i.e., who's the badass derivative-point?

Unlike the inverse, Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) does not allow Elon Musk's (X) posts to appear on Facebook.


The rot is on the threshold of mankind simply nixing its deep fake counterpart.


No historical collectivist muther-fucking token begins to underscore Biden.


Yes, never in history has there been a more cosmologically comprehensive face fuck than the escalating acceleration of mankind undermining as barely demonstrated in the 2024 Olympics.

It is the replacement of all differentiation by sheer pageantry.

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Page last modified on July 28, 2024, at 11:14 AM