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< 0503 | 0504 | 0505 >


Progressivism, whether progress or change, is idiocy.
The differential integral is symbol, word definition and word.


The Escalating Denial of Definition is Sexual Genocide

Empiricism, the theory that all knowledge is a sense-experience derivative, is like everything a differential integral symbol, word-definition and word.

The idea that its referent or any referent is ever not also a word is the minimization, demonization and denial of everything. It is genocide.

The noble generic pronoun they and other word-subversive terrorism, like the endless acronym of the woman and child assaulting feminism by rhetorical empowerment and choice of murder, are the complex, subtle and refined cybernetics of homo sapiens sex-criminal genocide


Why is general inflation only 3.61 from 1980 to now, yet the fast food service industry's inflation is 26.67? Yes, the pharmaceutical (esp. psychiatric) component. I do mean that is a joke, but I'm also sure that the truth is not less incredible.


Trojan Horse
The Parasitic Honorary Alpha Infant, The Dog

Dog parenthood is a devastating political subversion of Western Culture—like abortion as empowered choice—consisting of definition-denial.

Such political atrocities currently escalating into global homo sapiens genocide are not a conspiracy in the normal sense.

They are absolutely cybernetically self-organizational, like flocking or swarming, once the error is set, namely that words are mere reference to something more noble than words.


How is it possible for the feminine psyche to fall for the child parasite dog and the killing of her own body?

Also, I do not exclude the man from such abominably corrupted feminine sentiment, namely the dumber than dumb, the complexity, the nuance, and the subtlety beyond tears of the political rhetoric known as feminism. Psychology. Psychology is the analysis of the soul and the mass rape of the man, i.e., the institution of some formless hyper-masculine super-authoritarianism to put him up and shut him up but to recite farce with a good sense of humor, in the concubinary.

Like a haplessly Trump-petrified nervously acting Robert de Niro must vote for the abysmal puppet, Joe Biden, the woman has no choice but to abort her child to mother the dog.

Neurotypical normalcy consists of technocracy to mythologically depict and parade homo sapiens ever more wordless, i.e., with junkie-fallacious psychologism, zombie-psyche self-deception, and farcical psychiatric mental disorder.

Everything is word. The more homo sapiens is a willy-nilly idiotocracy of haphazard identity, the less anything is anything at all.

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Page last modified on May 05, 2024, at 07:44 AM