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< 1231 | 0101 | 0102 >

The Confused, Ever Contrary Self

The corruption of word projected as common human ignorance

The idea that anything (identity, self) is not what it is (word), but that, how and why it is (the contradiction, nonword word existence), is its minimization, demonization and denial as nothing but common human ignorance.

Abysmal opportunism for the barely one-eyed elite

Such human ignorance is opportunism for The Word as the esoteric mysticism of some relativistic autocracy, hence as any level of master identity, albeit barely one-eyed in the human world of blindness. The Word is identity most fulfilled by bullshit to swoon for like The Psyche, Artificial Intelligence and The Technocracy.

So, what then is point-i, that everything is word?

From the unity-fallacious perspective* of (the idea) existence, word (point-i) is explanation like existence, i.e., view of the other as some kind of maximum arbitrary Dunning-Kruger presumptuousness of being The Word without at all being subject to The World of “human” blindness.

* “Perspective” (of relative position, i.e., displacement) is relativity which is the absolute error of The Explanation of word, “existence” (The Word) as the ground for all bigoted fundamentalism setting man up as the junkie, zombie and crazie that his “pathetically human” self is.

Woke is prostration to the abysmal cybernetics, The Psyche (AI) by which it is more like Buddhist Practice than like any religion.

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Page last modified on January 01, 2023, at 09:35 AM