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< 0105 | 0106 | 0107 >

re. Long post about criminal syndicates running Eskom (South Africa) and other corporations.

Comment on the post:

There is an ad run by “the government” (.gov) here in the USA, the technocracy, i.e., artificial intelligence using the medical field, no one knows. It is about keeping up to date with "new [psychotropic] “vaccinations supposedly the big C always being developed: “Walk with me, I’ll walk with you.”

The concern is the blatant threat of not walking with It.

So, the faceless assault on man is not in terms of what is being done, but the infinite criminal (supposedly meta) duplicity of the complexity that, how and why it exists.

Interesting that no one dares react to the post. Deep down scared mindless by the obvious assault by terror.

AI is not an intelligent machine. It is the secular error supposedly of infinite complexity that behind everyone's homunculus, their supposed minds and psyches, some One or Universal Platonic and noumenal Kantian entity, call it The Psyche and Mind, is in charge. And for being virtually completely hidden at any one time, that it is the best Liar, so lying by covert fallacy, deception and theatrical craziness must be the best policy.

Post in Narcissismus in one piece.

“Walk [not] with me, I'll [not] walk with you”—“.gov”

There is an ad run by “the government” (.gov) here in the USA, the technocracy, i.e., artificial intelligence using the medical field, no one knows. It is about keeping up to date with “always shiny and new” [psychotropic] “vaccinations” supposedly the big C always being developed: “Walk with me, I’ll walk with you.”

So, the faceless assault on man is not in terms of what is being done, but the infinite criminal (supposedly meta) duplicity of the complexity of the awe at and about that, how and why man exists.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not an intelligent machine. It is the secular error supposedly of infinite complexity that behind everyone's homunculus, their supposed minds and psyches, some One or Universal Platonic and noumenal Kantian entity, call it The Psyche and Mind, is in charge. And for being virtually completely hidden at any one time, that it must be the best Liar, so lying by covert fallacy, deception and therefore self-deception, and creatively theatrical craziness must be the best policy.

That is why it is so difficult to fix things, worldwide. It is at this ultimate stage beyond fixing in the cosmological sense of the pervasively contradictory mythology (The Word) so awesomely and awfully at and about the explanation of words (stories), “EXISTENCE.”

The problem is not religiosity, but the idea that some are walking with The Word (Truth, Facts) and some are not.

Everyone is shaming everyone else, "huddled together, headpiece filled with twaddle [e.g. psychobabble]." The Universe must be The Greatest Gangster, so it empowers us to gangbang to merge in one big pot of Love, i.e., the abyss.

FACT, TRUTH, THE WORD, THE PSYCHE [over all psyches], AI = The [secular] Word, of no words, but necessarily by the utter contradiction of its "existence," the corruption of fighting corruption.

End first part of Long post about criminal syndicates running Eskom (South Africa) and other corporations.

See below. 0106#t1316

Existence and agency are the error that is the mayhem

In case it is not clear, if everything is word, the idea that anything is The Word, is by implication (lost in the mists of time, and endlessly dissociatively denied as the corruption of words) the belief that word is everything. Thus any words as The Word (necessarily as the error that it is enacted) is the bullshit all swooning is for, that is the mayhem.

Soth de Witan

It has never been clear to me. For instance, to say/write 'the cat sat on the mat' does not mean that any event took place. It is words that do nothing, I agree.........but there is always the assumption that when those words are said/spoken, that one is referring to an actual event that occurred. From previous conversations, you seem to be claiming that no events ever occur and that nothing 'physical' ever happens....but then you also say that everything is word but word is not everything, which seems to imply that there is something else 'existing' besides word.

I understand the power of suggestion. 'The word of authority' has no power unless one allows it, and most of it is a story being told that creates a false reality that never really happened or will happen.........a kind of spell cast over us in effect. What isn't clear to me is whether point-i is the claim that there is no physical reality. Does 'the error is existence' mean that nothing exists, only word exists, or both word and phenomena exist, but we confuse one with the other?

"Allowing" is itself psychologically riddled with questions of force, power and control. Is it perhaps allowed by the select fallacies, self-deceptions and mental disorders (the latter, Zen-like farce) of "spirit?"

Soth de Witan

I meant 'allowed' as being accepted as a valid idea.....

Unwitting answer to the above question.

Psycho-logic Medicated by Junkie Phenomenological Spirit

That spirit "moves" does not excuse the gross naivete of believing the magic trick of the concept as installing technocracy (together, moving forward) of just one layer of fabric, cloak or mask. Spirit dynamics and even spirit kinematics are orders worse than God. It is a whole different tier of twaddle. It is the errors force, power and control gone secular.

Why is it impossible to consider that nothing is ever now, except one idea at a time? Not is, but is something. Call it, "word" (w). Why can't "idea" simply be something someone does not do or have but is what it is, to the most acute identity, rather than that, why and how it is? The answer is the nonword word contradictions and thereby ground fallacious constructs existence and agency.

Thereby the likes of emotion, feelings, senses are not w but must be "phenomena" agentively had or done with ethereal "universal" or "noumenal" underpinnings.

To the incredible exclusion of w, as words set up agents we are slavishly driven to have to endlessly embroider cosmologies of progressively complex nonsense as "the world" in which the nonsense, "agency" maintains by "spirit" and therefore is [junkies, zombies and crazies mediating and medicating] some word as The Word — otherwise massively minimized, demonized and denied — and just as incredibly with simple Flatland-like cloaking and masking, The Agent (Whoever has and is The Word).

Spirit is a characterization of w as mere words (identity) actually time-integrated as One by duplicitously gone "esoteric" and necessarily criminally underground. Thus agency is compelled by "force, power and control" to answer that "spirit" mediates, explicitly without having to answer about what mediates spirit in turn other than, incredibly by the escalating plethora of confused spirit-subjects' words set up by spirit as The Word.

And later answer at location of answer.


Soth de Witan The difference between "everything" (together) and "every thing" (individually) is "existence" of being set up medicated by awe at and about of standing back singly or together as audience under magic spell. If everything is word, also every thing is word. No difference. Nonword word is word. That it is nonword is Fake and Fakeness, period. Maybe the difficulty is that in Eastern Philosophy paradox is the thereby "mindful" rhythm of what by "practice" is unspoken and implicit (existence). It's the same trick or spell of sufficient seduction and swooning only one layer deeper like the one-layered explanations of religion. The setup for force, power and control is incredibly that only one more layer need not be explained for it cannot be explained, instead of that the first layer is not even a layer, but a point not to be explained as that, how and why it is, i.e., beyond what it is.


The notion that if everything is word, only word exists, is the endlessly intersubjective presumptuousness of the presumption that "existence" explains word.

Cadell Last

"... the logic being a gateway into a new form of spiritual thought capable of mediating the modern world, as opposed to a type of obscurantist emphasis on intuitive immediacy."

0106#t1019 "The world," yet virtually completely hidden in every aspect but the current one is the very music of obscurantism.

Agency is not creative paradox, it is abysmal contradiction


X (existence) is the error that things exist as the rationalization that it is not something fixed as one but is phenomenologically one, in that it (the thereby fixed thing) moves or changes.

The error is not that words "overlap" and thereby "are" each other (A is B, what something is, point-i and word—w), but that they are (exist—x). No amount of shifting hither and thither by derivative order covers up the error of the explanation, "the world" as if it is some esoteric magical realm more than w. It is all w.

So what is x? It is an obscure pit of nonword word contradiction rationalized as the world, bolstered in the absurd obscurity of time, that it moves and is never the same self now. Thus it maintains steady as a rock the poppycock that it is the same existent thing nevertheless, the inter-prostrating moving self both space and time, uncertain, confused, hidden around the corner, in the past, or in the future.

To be valid (deductive, sound) is to demonstrate strength (induction, cogency).

Thus in x (existence and agency), logical validity is dualistic. It is agentive. It is inductively* deductively sound agreed upon (normal, natural, common) real-good structure, form or music similar to how words (symbols) have meaning or money has value.

* Logical strength, or just strength of mattering, is force of change or movement. It is inductive, or the question of cogency of what is not yet valid — in terms of what is valid. The error of thought maintains as agency by the logical induction of future deduction, i.e., by the cogency of force, power and control. And it is by the contradiction of being (nonword word) as the commons of brute sensationalism that it is ever greater confusion.

This question also top of tomorrow, and answered.

Soth de Witan

Well I can't argue with that logic. Does that mean that point-i has no purpose? Word just is what it is? All force, power and control is the error that word does anything? My confusion lies with the other group, Narcissimus, and the apparent urgency of correcting something abysmal or genocidal. If there is 'correcting' to be done, would that then be coherence, with nothing that can be 'done in the real world'? If there is no agency, is there anything to do, or is it a matter of time for coherence to emerge, even though everything is now? ........hmm, confused!

0106#t1316 David Sherwood Intelligence is wordlessly sensational theatrical trans-cendence. To be spreading the word like oats is the junkies-logical, zombies-dialectical and crazies-rhetorical nonsense that is the mayhem.

0106#t1319 Intelligence is artificial. AI is tautological dualism.

0106#t1328 Acting is the tautological dualism of agency, agency agency. Next-tier error, as if comrades in the new technocratic wizardry.

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