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In Ronald Green's ideal chant, The Word is that things exist, therefore "now" is idealism about the past and as the past.

Existence as such is many orders greater poppycock-redundant explanation of the undeniable point that now is, than the existence of God.


Change (as normal and natural) is the nothingness-abyss of order in terms of geometric derivatives. Change is a fake word for the abysmal collective differential orders of infinite (meta) dimensional integration. It is in any order as utterly contradictory as the first order, displacement, the number for the dimensional rationalization of geometric position or perspective.


Hence a thorough understanding of spacetime, Minkowski space and the four fundamental forces and five universal constants (Planck-units of limits — fundamental measurement) is necessary.


Reference is the trinitarian bullshit that anyone or anything has and does word, and represents The Word.

“The worldly or heavenly referent” is the triple error that 1) word is incomplete representation or mere human-subjective 2) articulation of “any 3) ‘subjective sensory stimuli’ in any receiver’s ‘mind’.” — Prostrate.

Hence progressivism (moving forward together) is the abysmal next-tier hive-mind manifold of complex tree-of-life twaddle.


The Psyche

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them


Your slave master is the referent in question. He is not what anything is, but is the one that is, answering any questions. The questions how and why.


The Abyss of The Infinity String Theory of Existence by Meta Arbitration.

The problem with Ronald Green's "existence," essentially going forward together subject to the control of some esoteric technocratic wizardry, is that the control and the psychobabble it empowers to be in support of it, consist of endless strings(theory) of confirmation bias integration.

For example aliquid stat pro aliquo, i.e., something standing for something in some capacity, by referral and interpretation, as elements of ontology and epistemology endlessly mixed and matched (mish-mashed) in useful junkie, zombie and psychotic construct of The World, as if the work of some rare or elite mastery.

The error is not that A is B, but that A is B as a function of someone or something that is (A is), namely "change" collectivistically merged and glued together going forward in and as manifolds by the questions and answers how and why, head-over-heels excused as due to an unfortunate commons of "human"-subjective rivers and floods of confusion.

Thus "now" is but a virtual abstract of the past, and word (symbol) is very little more than that.

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Page last modified on January 24, 2023, at 01:25 PM