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< 0106 | 0107 | 0108 >

This question also under yesterday. ... 0106#t1137

Soth de Witan

Well I can't argue with that logic. Does that mean that point-i has no purpose? Word just is what it is? All force, power and control is the error that word does anything? My confusion lies with the other group, Narcissimus, and the apparent urgency of correcting something abysmal or genocidal. If there is 'correcting' to be done, would that then be coherence, with nothing that can be 'done in the real world'? If there is no agency, is there anything to do, or is it a matter of time for coherence to emerge, even though everything is now? ........hmm, confused!

The OP answers the question already.

Roland Mann quoting TP

"There's always a story. It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world."

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