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< 0113 | 0115 | 0116 >

LP or CD., a story is a word. Everything is word.

As the story, (that thereby works), that things exist and work in terms of process or method, the CD not one iota less works than an LP does. It has its own little endearing quirks. The dualism of multiple reference to one instance of what is known as a single object, is the nonsense that is the mayhem. Singular or plural, word is what everything is.

Point-i is that everything is word from existence.

Thus word-i is what everything is, or simply word.

A word or some words are not reference to a single object/subject or multiple objects/subjects. It is what anything (a word) that is it, is. Not A is. A is B. Not dualistically or referentially or semiotically, but what everything is and a point, but only a point from existence—the point that it is, point-i—namely from the perspective of perspectives, "existence".

To be, subject-and-object

Digital/analog is the error of method as the farcical pair that they are, only field all the way down, infinitely near or far in terms of resolution, i.e., subject to near or far focus, like space or time.

Digital/analog is the cosmological, ontological or epistemological explanation cybernetics (systems automatically dynamic, or controlled-force, sic, as interactive and intra-active self-organization) in terms of bits or waves, whether statistically smoothed-over (analog) or measured i.e., quantized (digital) in any combination of multiples to infinity, i.e., infinite meta (stasis like rock).

Quantum(Planck-unit)-meta explanations, i.e., digital again once more smoothed over as superfluid in concert with its quantum view, are cybernetics. The problem that ever perpetuates the error like clockwork is that such repeat deconstruction is beyond-the-cave (thus the cave) bird twittery (turtle doves all the way down) sensationalism (formally hedonism) with diversion, obfuscation and cloaking necessary to deepen the metastasis that the subject/object or dualism/monism of it is. The rhetoric (pandemic of the psyche) these days is that it is ultimately (the final solution) sold as a kind of transhumanist global village, and moving forward together.

Ronald Green’s skin understandably crawls when I say this, because to him nothing can be worse (in terms of person), but the new progressivism is like The Holocaust, on the whole only infinitely worse, because man-i (or simply all of “humanity,” i.e., already seriously comprised) as such is the “human” animal of its Infinite Animal Farm pipe dream.

Needle, i.e., limits. Rhetoric in favor of analog. There's all kinds in favor of digital too. Measurement is both quality and quantity. Which one it is, is not the error. That it is more than a point (in terms of its supposed geometry) is the error that is the mayhem.

Humor is Peter Pan

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