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< 0130 | 0131 | 0201 >


Technocracy (Psychology) as if it, and thereby not man, is The Dog, is the road to mythological hell.

Progressivism is the theater of the contradictory explanation of word, the nonword word “existence,” whereby everything is not word, in fact vanishingly few things are word, and yet, whatever has The Word, is The Word, The Man and The Big Dog.

Its religious history is the cancer and its secular currency is terminal metastasis.


Existence, The Universe, as consisting and persisting in terms of constants of any derivative order is the absolute error, The Platonic Universal and The Platonic Cave.

AI Transformation

0131#t0720 Richard Soloway No one has intelligence. It is all appearance, i.e., endlessly duplicitous dualism.


The characterization of the future as transformation is abysmally naive.


Artificial intelligence is not evolution. Evolution (change) is the most idiotic ontological constant or fixed concept in the sense that it is only one derivative removed from non-change.


Change is next-tier bigoted fundamentalist confirmationism.


Soth de Witan Very probably within the next year, the most “intelligent” person in the world will not be able to tell the difference between AI writing and human writing. From there until the bitter end of everything, a virtually instantaneous event, is literally what nothing is.


Ronald Green, you'd better get a move on with your book. It's the last one you're going to write.


Roland Mann Absolutely horrifically blind error, that cybernetic analysis of The Psyche is where it's at.

Infinitely worse than “the soul,” i.e., “The Word” on “The Mind,” “Consciousness,” and “The Psyche.”


Roland Mann Subjectivity and objectivity are the same error. Subjectivity is collectivism, i.e., state-run communism and objectivity is anarchism, i.e., elite-run libertarianism.


“Solipsism” is ad hominem, from the index of junkie-psychological fallacies, along with imagery the very thing hole-riddling consists of.


The system does not exist without the historical error and myth of the existence of human confusion, now evolving as the termination of everything as if some blissful posthumanist farce.


Iconic imagery is backdrop, root system or ground to the index or list of cliched bullshit (blurt-reportage) of the day.

Oooh and aahhh, whatever the landscapes, it's all so awfully magnificent!


Solipsism, like schizophrenia and narcissism are tools in the psychiatric arsenal.

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Page last modified on January 31, 2023, at 11:12 AM