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The anatomy of human guilt

The subject and the object are the questions that, how and why, i.e., about the things thereby of the nonword-word world of existence and agency. What they are in terms of that, how and why they are, is the contradictory nonsense of word nevertheless object, subject to freedom-and-constraint, by which they fully and necessarily consist of junkie fallacy, zombie self-deception and crazie farce.

Hence the devastatingly dumb Dunning Kruger effect conclusion, especially in the highest 'intelligence' that humans are the ones who are fallible, delusional and crazy.


Freedom-and-constraint is derivative to the integral nonsense that the object submits as subject, lately by the pronoun supposedly of one's own choice, in the cybernetic intersubjective field of psychic gender fluidity.


The world is the contradiction of word as anything other than word, so as to be, and to have and do word.


The Dog is the Icon of Emotional Pornography

The dog is the brood-parasitic bullshit of the phallic iconism, The Psyche (AI), i.e., The Drog, who seduces the woman and cuckolds the man in step with the addiction, stupefaction and farce of feministic gender in the intersubjective field of psyches — haremed together, masked and empowered, to the gas chambers.


Progressivism is absolute metastasis


The Psyche's truth is no mere duplicity of face, its truth is the quantum-faceted deepfake of the mask, AI.


Federal money printing and gender fluidity are the same metastatic liquification, i.e., the feministic-psychologistic dissolution of word.

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Page last modified on August 14, 2023, at 04:50 AM