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Amusement is the normal existentialist condition. It is as diversion and facilitation the bonding of two elements. The two elements are, 1) the ontological state (of being, that, how and why things are) and 2) the epistemological act (of the ontological state knowing or naming, WHAT they are).

Angst is the normal existential condition - unless we ignore Kierkegaard, Nietzsche.... Amusement is the condition that Sloterdijk explored as a response to the symptoms he explored in his Critique of Cynical Reason, did he not?

It's complicated. Whether by supposedly fighting for conservative order or progressive chaos, humor is largely indispensable on the battlefield. If you believe in existence or in its relative incompleteness in terms of having to stay (fight) or leave (flight), you are an existentialist. It is when you stay that Angst is Amusement.

It is indeed. My issue is that philosophy has a role in our modern world, both a critical and constructive role. Humour is fine, but it cannot solely dominate the mode of engagement else it might risk trivialisation.

I mean to say that you have to laugh at your own Angst even more than that of others.

Farce (trivialization by the facts of deepfake) has indeed become the progressivist assault.


Existence is Farce

"Existence" is sheer logical error (subject/object dichotomy substantially excused as supposedly human fallacy, self-deception and mental disorder). Thus its ultimate resolution is farce. The answer to the questions that, how and why what something is, is, is utter and total farce.

Subjectivity and objectivity are a necessary bullshit dichotomy for the perpetuation of the essentially farcically paradoxical ontological theory, "existence." Existence explains the stuff that the symbol bodily represents by "meaning" as the epistemological act performed by the ontological state. The cancer is that once existence emerges theatrically from its symbolic concept as the fallacy of universal essence, i.e., "meaning," it virtually completely supplants the symbol, reducing it to a mere sign for the absolute farce of its own action.


Sorry, but Psychology is The Ultimate Purveyor of Bullshit

I'm sorry that my theory uses specialized meanings for words not tailored to your humor-twisted understanding. At this stage of working out a temporarily existential path to the total dissolution of the bullshit explanation, “existence” I am not really worried about that. Extract from it what you want. One thing you can be sure of is that I am being perfectly serious. Point-i is no frivolous philosophical exercise.

Consider The Psyche capitalized (increasingly embodied by the corruption of the institutions of the “humanities,”… education, law and media) as implicitly the next-tier (posthumanist) populist leader over humans. It brutally objectifies and subjectifies humans in terms of their so-called psyches. Its deepfake Ministry of Truth bullshit is abysmally worse, by many orders worse, than the speech of any white male leader, formerly known as "the man."


AI — Deliberation of Confusion

Current progressivism is similar to 1984 and Brave New World, but with many unforeseen twists. The Biden White House actually has a Ministry of Truth and it is deliberately derisively deepfake.

So, the secular apocalypse of The Psyche, i.e., total genocide by next-tier holocaust does consist of conspiracies, but in the sense that the abysmal logic behind it is confusion that psychologically projects as human thinking. It is thus human junkie fallacious, human zombie self-deceptive and human psycho-chaotic, i.e., farce.


The Biden White House actually has a Ministry of Truth and it is deliberately derisively deepfake.

At this stage Biden and Harris truly are duds, and The White House has been vaporized to a smokescreen — to cover up the subversion and genocide of humanity

The 2020 election was already not really stolen, as if by humans. It was massively distorted grassroots in favor of Biden/Harris as a matter of the new next-tier deepfake secular myths of progressivist anti-human psychologistic power, i.e., a humanity prostrate to the implicit Übermensch Figurehead, The Psyche AI, the Farce-phallus Satan.


The 2024 election is not human
It is blatantly artificial intelligence
The Bullshit assaulting Trump is AI


Where Next

We must get beyond the explanation for what things are as mere linguistic meaning, i.e., secondary to something other than word not thus diminished. Everything is word, even now. The contradiction that is the mayhem of humans blaming each other, even themselves, is that it is not.


Progressivism is Anything But Wonderful Beyond Words

I see the semiotics of C.S. Peirce as a meta-complexification of the already fallaciously dualistic semiology of Saussure. To me the fixation on language and meaning is the error that it is what one does and has, and others do and have, and it is further than Saussure formalized by Peirce. The Peircean addition of interpretation in terms of the individual and collective operational senses as extension beyond the mere symbol in spite of it (the symbol) being the only true conceptual entity, is anti-human. But that such extension in the form of the icon and index includes the existence and agency of animals, things and even the world in the esoteric mysticism of "existence" is not wonderful beyond words. It is the denial of word and humanity, which is the shut-down of everything.

For clarification of the above comment, the Peircean icon and index as such stand purely in terms of concept, i.e., human symbol. They are not beyond symbol. They are word. Everything is word.

So, the symbol as mere ontological sign, i.e., as reference (Saussure) and representation (Peirce) is nonword word. The supposedly wider (cosmological) epistemological nonword icon and index furnishing "deeper" meaning from beyond thus mere human word or symbol, is the nonword word contradiction that is the mayhem of human genocide.

While the original error was religious, wherein humanity is fallen, incomplete, evildoing, the Peircean perpetuation of that sentiment is purely secular. In spite of shedding the idea of supernatural creation and prostration to our Maker, the lie of human deficiency as we move into posthumanism is far more acute, and escalating.

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Page last modified on September 08, 2023, at 04:59 AM