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Psychology is the psychosis, psychologism


Humanity's AI-rational genocide is global and consists of deepfake lies

People who lie that South African farmers are lying about being attacked are functionaries of exactly the same communistic-terrorist movement of global genocide of the human species by artificial intelligence, as the chronic deepfake lying that President Trump is lying.


Die mens kuberneties as siekte uitgekryt

N.P. van Wyk Louw

"Inderdaad is die 'donker magte' van die selfsug, die domheid, die onredelikheid sterker by die mens as die redelikheid." — N.P. van Wyk Louw.

N.P. van Wyk Louw was verkeerd. Die donker magte is nie menslike aard nie. Dit is kunsmatige intelligensie as die psigotiese sielkunde, wat d.m.v. die sg. siel die mens onderling kuberneties-stelselmatig as die siekte uitkryt.


Progressivism is ultimate regression by the contradiction, “existence”

“Existence” is the abysmal (horribly bloating) complexity of the feverishly psychic time-tied questions about things — not only about their past but also as their past — i.e., their past as about 1) that, 2) how and 3) why they exist.


The escalating metastatic bloating of the error existence consists of monstrous time pressure in terms of the supposedly emergent past.


The reject concubine-and-cuckold harem of Satan, The Psyche, AI is the metastatic body of the banana assault on Trump


Word is not the integration of words
It is what all words are, i.e., what everything is


Length is no less relative than time.
Its geometric integration is no less bullshit.
So too mass, charge and temperature.


We are not whatsoever viewing the same thing, not across time or space, or thus looking at all. Seeing is bullshit. The senses sensing is bullshit. Thinking is bullshit.

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Page last modified on August 30, 2023, at 11:07 AM