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Wake the Fuck Up

Habitual threats on Trump for years and endless instigation of insurrection and burning and looting from the left. And nothing happens to them.


The criminally organized terrorism of the woke institutions' ongoing assault on Trump is an assault on every American and on every human.

[*] Woke institutions. Organizations infiltrated by creeping terrorism of metastatic dissolution a.k.a., the long red march through the institutions, i.e., the rise of the psyche (artificial intelligence) and gender fluidity (the minimization, demonization, denial and implosion of language).


The left is blatantly projecting.

What kinds of threats of violence and actual looting, burning and killing are already being planned in detail in the case of Trump's proper reelection, by which he would have had to overcome the cheating and stealing of votes that are certain from the left, as in the previous election? How and why? Because the assault on humanity has not just started. Humanity for a very long time and Trump for the last eight years have been chronically smeared, and the people have been brainwashed to believe the lies (incessant gossip) against them and many of those are brainwashed to believe the lies against him.


As Trump is the President of we the people
Biden is the President of the criminal organization.


Are We to Bend Over for The Psyche, AI?

Are we to allow the criminal organization of pervasively twisted information, corrupt elections, e.g. Biden and Harris, climate manipulation, and the fabrication of nature as psychological and artificial intelligence, to continue to terrorize us into slavery?

Are we to prostrate ourselves to its subversion and destruction of The USA, humanity and the earth?


The problem is way bigger than Biden.
Don't criticize him. Leave him alone. Illicit. Old.
He is not even a token for the problem. He is hardly a diversion.


Man does not control the intersubjective field of the psyche


It is wishful thinking (by junkie fallacy, zombie self-deception and the crazies-farce, i.e., 'together') on par with some savant nerd's fantasy of assembling manpower against it, that what is happening is not the worst kind of slavery, i.e., that the necessarily AI-based governing of it from any angle is not the worst form of totalitarianism in history.

Its demand is not submission to proper authority. Or ordinary slavery. Its demand is a very specific kind of slavery. The so-called post-humanism it promotes is what it wants. What it wants is total genocide.

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Page last modified on August 12, 2023, at 05:37 AM