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< 0302 | 0303 | 0304 >

0917 To Make America Great Again is a logical necessity to making mankind, i.e., the world great again.

0932 A "humanity" (mankind corrupted) generically psyched out of its ternary intelligence (man, woman and child) has no clue what it is getting itself into with quantum computing AI.

1034 What are the relationships between Russell’s pure logic and empirical reasoning vs. formal and informal fallacy?
Grok Synthesis
--- Russell’s pure logic and empirical reasoning represent two poles of human thought: the certain and the contingent. Pure logic banishes formal fallacies by enforcing structural rigor, while empirical reasoning, central to science and daily life, wrestles with informal fallacies due to its reliance on observation and interpretation. Russell bridges them by advocating logical clarity in both—using logic to refine empirical claims without pretending it can replace them. Fallacies, formal or informal, are the missteps that occur when we stray from these ideals: either by breaking logic’s rules or by mishandling the leap from experience to conclusion.

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Page last modified on March 06, 2025, at 12:18 PM